
gibs. Lots of gibs... or you can bundle this with Meaningful Enemy Feedback...

Incorrect. I am actually a jewish bodybuilder. Pay me my money.

That was sorta beautiful...

Seeing the game on the big screen with Tyson/Fallon on the split next to it...Fallon kinda looks like Little Mac.

This series seriously used about every part of the keyboard, shield orientation, saving friendlies to your targeting computer, knowing when someone was after you, the ability to match speed with your target, and so forth.

I remember the first time I figured out I could not only change my laser shot pattern, but also the orientation of my shields I was speechless for the next fifteen minutes. Then I found out you could change the Engines/Lasers/Shields levels, and wondered if I'd somehow peeked behind the curtain and seen the face of

All corporations do this. I should sue the people who are sueing ea for stupidly

If making blindly optimistic promises about upcoming games was illegal, Peter Molyneux would be a war criminal.

Those are some great games. I don't think people have forgotten about them.

Yep, just like we all quickly forgot about Fez, Cave Story, Sword & Sworcery, Shovel Knight, Hyper Light Drifter, Hotline Miami, and FTL.

I was on the fence about this year's version... until this. Absolute purchase now.

Little Mac is simply popular for the time being because he has a major upside and so long as you can avoid being taken into the air you'll be fine. The very second you get launched off the level you're more or less ****ed unless you have less than 50% damage. Anything more than that and you just lost stock. Little Mac

Yeah, that seems like a really major exaggeration on your part.

As a Canadian, I am amazed we don't eat fried maple leaves. This actually sounds interesting...and is a better use than just putting it on a flag.

That's pretty cool, I'd love to try some of those.

Oh excellent. Love the 3D models. I played the originals way back when but these days due to everyone else those 2D sprited JRPGs all look too familiar and samey. I don't know whether or not those low-poly models will look as good on PC but they're fantastic on DS.