So we’re just gonna ignore the Nutcracker uniform he’s wearing?
So we’re just gonna ignore the Nutcracker uniform he’s wearing?
I didn’t think Texas could get more Texas but here we are.
Queen Elizabeth II has a much firmer grasp of history, appropriateness, military sacrifice and compassion then every single member of this miserable grifter band.
I read a short article this morning about this, in the local ‘DC Express’, a little 24-page daily produced by the Washington Post. The whole thing read like, “Look at what VCU did! Delivered six babies with a crew of 40!” No real mention of the poor woman who hosted sextuplets for however long she carried them.
It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.
Actually this is the best her hair has looked in months.
Progressive. MRA. Pick one.
Can’t wait to hear what Frederick Douglas thinks about all this.
Nah, morons like you are the reason we have Trump. Thanks!
People did show up to vote though, so enough with the tired should’ve-fought-harder mentality. She had the third highest turnout (number of votes cast) of any primary candidate ever. The first two highest turnouts are held by Obama.
So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for…
I’m sure the guy who got slaughtered by Hillary would have totally beat Trump! You know, the socialist Jew. That would have played super well.
Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!
I watched the election night coverage on the CBC. Around 11 pm or so, when it had become clear Trump was going to win, one of the panelists sighed and said, “Well... you know, America did have a pretty good run.” The rest of the panelists sat quietly, and somberly nodded. Know the rest of the world take no joy in…
Kill it. We’re done. Shut this shit down. The internet has been murdered by chicken flava, November 15, 2016. As it gasped its last breath and expired, it was heard whispering, “Et tu, chicken flava.”
If you are alone and choking and think you are going to die, the first step should be to delete your browser history.
Well that is beyond sad. Won’t somebody think of “20 minutes of action” man and cut him some slack? I mean, his nonpology specifically stated that he blamed alcohol and Stanford’s blending of education with real world decisions for his behavior. How dare they! It’s a damn pity that USA Swimming agreed with Stanford.…
Fun Fact: Hillary conceded to Obama 8 years ago tomorrow—the 18 million cracks in the highest glass ceiling speech was on June 7. She was out by early June. She didn’t fucking contest the convention, she started campaigning for her party’s nominee. And this after being MUCH closer to Obama than Bernie is to her…