
I'm 30, I never grew out of it! My ringtone is the opening of the Overture, I have a POTO keychain on my car keys, it's the wallpaper on my laptop at home and I have so many books/records/Playbills/DVD/various ephemera of Phantom-related stuff. It's my one true nerdy thing that I love!

While I agree Crawford's voice is the best, as the original London Cast recording is what I fell in love with in the first place, and while I approached the Gerard movie with much trepidation (worried it would be ruined) I thought he was fantastic, character-wise. I could overlook the voice since he was so alpha in

The idea that evolution and the big bang theory are sacrilegious and absolutely could not possibly be true and God doesn't want science in schools is more pervasive among certain protestant denominations than among Catholics. Especially the protestant churches most prevalent in the southern and rural parts of the

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this already established by a previous pope? I didn't really think Catholics were part of the Creationist crowd.

I don't get why this is such a big deal. I was taught in Catholic school that it was possible to believe in God and evolution + the Big Bang Theory at the same time.

I would argue that there's a huge difference between having to apologize to people you stole from and having your picture posted on the internet for a quarter of a million strangers see.


"Maturing is realizing how many things don't require your comment."

"Maturing" is realizing how many things don't require your comment.

So this turned up in the "Related Videos" to this story... WTF FACEBOOK

It's telling you to get pregnant with a Greek God. Your mom has hacked your iPad.

You are a vile, mouthbreathing piece of shit. It's self-defense. How do you know he wasn't going to kill her too? She did what she had to.

If someone comes at me with intent to rape me- I'm doing whatever the fuck I have to do to keep it from happening. If that includes killing someone, then so be it. Do not rape or try to rape or intend to rape someone and not be ready to deal with the consequences. Which might include me killing your ass.

I get that this is a major issue if you work in a field that has certain requirements for the appearances of its female staff. But this is kind of a defeatist attitude when you take it too far. Enough of this, "I don't want to spend 45 minutes putting on makeup before I pick the kids up from soccer practice, but the

I was never taught how to do my hair or makeup, so I just... don't. Sometimes I wonder if it's holding me back at work, especially when the other women around me are perfectly groomed and styled. But at the same time, I can get out of bed and out the door in ten minutes flat.

I don't braid my daughters' hairs cause... I can't. I honestly don't know how to.

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

I love this! Watch Naomi's face near the beginning.