
Good lord, woman, why do you put yourself through this nonsense? I was also bullied in a small town, but I denied my bully's "friend" request when it came down the line a few years ago. I don't wish her ill, and I genuinely hope that she's living a life that brings her happiness. I don't resent her anymore, but I

You know, the best way to truly stick it to her is to find out what school her kid attends, and then volunteer to be a guest speaker where you share your experiences being bullied in 8th grade, and how you were able to overcome them to have this glamorous life. Give specific examples without naming names, imagining

St. Cloud? Minnesota? She vacations in St. Cloud, Minnesota? There's nothing worse you can do to her.

Aaaah, for the days when the fedora was a sign of a hot archaeologist. *sigh*.

I've thrown out my scale (ok, not thrown out, just hidden away). I was weighing myself every day and realized that when I didn't weigh myself I felt that I looked pretty hot and bangin. Then i'd weigh myself and get all sad. So I said FUCK IT! I know there will come a time in my life when I will look back at my 32

“We still name our military helicopter gunships after victims of genocide. Nobody bats an eyelash about that: Blackhawk. Apache. And Comanche. If the Luftwaffe named its military helicopters Jew and Gypsy, I suppose people would notice.” - Noam Chomsky.

I was told to cover up while I was nursing my 30 hours old the lab of the hospital where he was born. I hope that orderly enjoyed the hours of breastfeeding sensitivity training that was implemented because of the incident. :)

"As a white man I am literally never ever bothered by anyone about anything."

This is what I've always hated about fashion. It never felt like they wanted ME to wear it. I see skinny white women wearing it and think, "Why would I wear that? It obviously wouldn't look the same on me." Recently I bought a Spider-Man mini dress from Wet Seal (because, duh), tried it on, thought I looked SUPER HOT

No, no, he wants to be loved for who he is! By a person who is a laundry list of (totally coincidental, I'm sure) socially-prized "high-status" well-defined mandatory physical characteristics, who's smart, but not smarter than him, and interesting without being challenging.

Can I rent your groomsmen? ;) They sound awesome!

The only possible good thing that can come from this is that he is the perfect rebuttal to the people who say that we don't need to specifically teach boys what rape and sexual assault is when they're young(-ish), and what actions should never be acceptable. The reason why we shouldn't that I've been given is that

This is why I'm a proponent for ALL to wear a shirt long enough to cover the crotch and butt. There should be leggings rules for everyone!

Come to FL where Pre-K is cheap and excellent but the public schools are awful.

For fuck's sake. I get that attorneys are obligated to give their clients the best defense they can, but shouldn't public institutions have a responsibility not to propagate this bullshit in their own defense?

Please, being awesome at math goes hand in hand with dominating at shopping. If you can't do math, you aren't good at shopping. You are what's known as 'a consumerist sucker'.

I have only been in NC for two years, but I've loved it. I love all that the triangle has to offer, the proximity to beaches and mountains, and the friendly people. This is not the state I decided to move down to though. It is actually terrifying how fast things are changing, and there is no hope until 2016 at the

lol at how this looks on the dash.

They'd have to pay me to put KOTEX on my license plate. Literally. Kotex, I mean. They'd have to pay me.

Oh my goodness. Everyone shut up. People are not stupider than they used to be. In 1912 what percentage of the US population could have read this test, let alone answered any question on it?