
I can't do it without a super powerful vibrator. Finally found one that worked for me. No other vibrator or anything I've tried has given me an orgasm. Just that one. And I bought another one like it, same type and everything, and it isn't as powerful either.

I'm similar to you. I can only orgasm every two weeks or so, but once I get going I will have between 5-10 orgasms in 1/2 hour, maybe more if I keep going. Then it's 2 weeks of not being able to do anything again. Sort of annoying. I'd rather have one orgasm a day than 10 orgasms once every two weeks.

I thought I was the only one but I also have the turbo charged sex drive most of the time so I definitely have to hit it more than once a month. I know it is really nosy but... er, uh.. (fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound) are you multi-orgasmic with a partner as well? My FWB, bless his heart, knows to just kind

I hear you, thewicked. Almost 40 years old and I just never figured it out. Although I'm pretty sure I get them in my sleep/dreams. But yeah, sucks to be us.

30? 30. In half an hour. 30. And I can't even get one. Ever. Fuck my life.

I just don't have a huge sex drive. I'm very sex positive, and open about the fact that I masturbate, but I probably masturbate less than once a month. Sometimes I'll find myself on a masturbation kick where I'll masturbate more than once a day for about a week, other times I lose interest and don't masturbate for

Among less-than monthly masturbators, you can count women who never passed the learning hump (which is more of an issue for women than for men), women in committed relationships with men who look down on female masturbation, and women with full time jobs and kids who don't have the privacy to masturbate in a

No, this is pretty much bullshit. Complete bullshit. You can destigmatize masturbation without pretending like someone who doesn't masturbate 3 times a day is broken or doing it wrong. Not to mention that further gamifying sex is pretty disgusting to me. You know who treats sex and sexuality like a game, racking up

fuuuuck that dream. It's bad enough you had a dream about comps and had someone fail, but to have Stephen Colbert fail you. urgh.

Now we just need a website that let's us rate all the rating websites.

It seems to me that bikini companies are less worried about vanity sizing, and therefore are off from mainstream clothing.

I wear a XS-S sometimes M if it's just a regular cotton t-shirt, but I always have to buy a M or L top. I wear a B cup, so not exactly M or L bra size to most people. Maybe bathing suits have just gotten skimpier and so we have to buy larger to get adequate coverage?

Now playing

Here is a list of bra stores that sells cupped swimwear.

No advice or answer, just here to say you're not alone! I'm also usually a size M in shirts. I bought a size XL bikini top from Target's website since a L didn't fit in store.. still can't contain it all without high risk of falling out. They carry my bra size just fine.. but no cute bikini tops that provide some

oh! I forgot to add, I really like to look for bikini tops that are sold by cup size instead of just s/m/l/xl

*shrug* it's elastic so I think it just depends on your body type. Also, XL corresponds directly to your breast size not necessarily your general size (whereas a person who wears L or XL shirts might have a large stomach but small breasts).

The average bikini top is not for one that wears L or XL. We just go looking elsewhere or online to find items that would fit. Or if you look around, many girls are wearing tops that look too small (to me at least) and barely covers anything. I think in general, you go up 1-2 sizes in swimwear.