
Thanks for the info- good to know. I just started adding in 3 days a week of weightlifting (I've normally just been doing cardio) and am hoping to bring down the body fat %, so if I can trust the scale to at least be self-consistent even if not accurate it should still be a good way to gauge progress. :)

Ooh, interesting. I'd heard it mentioned somewhere before but didn't know what it was, maybe in the context of like trying to make a drug to activate brown fat to burn more calories. So it's all white fat, but it's more harmful when it's located closer to the organs. Hmm. I kind of wish I had taken more bio or

Ooh, good to know. I thought I had heard of something like there being brown fat and white fat and wasn't sure how that fit in with everything.

What kind of fat is in boobs and butt? My waist is 28 inches but my hips are 43 and my bra size is 32F, so I feel like while I have a high body fat of ~32% (according to a scale that claims to be able to calculate it, don't know how accurate those are), nearly none of it is around my midsection. My BMI is 25.2, which

I got married this summer and we're not sure when the best time to try to have a baby is. If it happens accidentally we'll roll with it, otherwise we'll see how we feel.

Don't have kids yet, but planning to name a daughter Catherine for sure after my great-grandmother and as for boys, still debating between Erik, Isaac, and Orson. Looks like none of those is all that popular right now.

I was visiting my cousin and her mom (who was in town for Thanksgiving) and we had a lovely dinner of steak, asparagus, mushroom, and sweet potato in a town half an hour away from me and it was great.
Then I went and got myself lost somehow. How do I end up in the downtown of my city on the way back when it's a good

Now I need to go clean all the cooking equipment and prepare a PB&J sandwich for my husband before he wakes up from his nap and has to leave to go work Black Friday at his retail job. I offered leftovers, but he said they won't go as well with Red Bull as PB&J.

This is the first time I cooked for Thanksgiving, the first Thanksgiving with my husband, and the first Thanksgiving away from my family. We don't like turkey, so I got a 4.5 lb ham. There will be leftovers for days. (not pictured- pumpkin pie)

I'm inclined to think so. But no one in real life treats me like I am other than my mom because my waist is 28 inches and my ribs are still clearly visible, which is weird for me to see people call people with visible ribs anorexic but then call people my weight or BMI fat. Just other parts got huge as I gained

That's good to know. I want to lose some weight and I've been working on it but have been finding it hard. I haven't been gaining any more weight though, so I suppose it's not wasted effort. I feel like my family is so strange when it comes to weight, because my younger brother has a BMI of about 16.5, whereas my

My BMI is 25 and my mom tells me I'm fat and I should be like I was in high school when my BMI was 17. It's clearly starting to affect me, because I didn't realize 25 was actually considered healthy. I was starting to think of myself as a fat person.

The only time I've edited Wikipedia was when I randomly found that someone had written about me as a notable alumnus of my high school. It was flattering, but the things they said about me were untrue, although not mean. I don't know what their motivation was or why they did it, but since it was untrue they didn't

I personally had a "wedding shower" because I moved away from my home state for grad school recently, and none of my new friends up here would be able to make the trip up (my maid of honor has lived in 4 different states in the past year and happened to be living in mine at the time and took a train to get to my

I agree. The 6 year graduation rate at my undergrad was 48%, so less than half are finishing in 6 years, much less in 4. I finished in 4, but it was with full-ride scholarships and usually 18 credit semesters with classes every summer. I did work part-time as a tutor for my school and do research 40 hrs per week doing

Replying because it won't let me edit for some reason, meant to say 1890 census.

My husband and I both took the 23andme test, mostly for the health info but figured the ancestry info might be interesting as well. For him it was pretty accurate because he's not very mixed and it reflected 50% Ashkenazi Jewish and 50% French/German. But for someone like me whose family has likely been a mix for a

This is why I stocked up on olive oil when I visited Spain to bring back with me to the USA. :) It is definitely much more expensive here.

Hmm. The FL DMV's website says "no more parallel parking" in their description of what's tested, but don't specify when it was discontinued. I got my license in the late 2000's, so it could well have been a recent thing. It makes sense to me that older cities that don't have a lot of extra space wouldn't have room for

I'm from Florida and my driver's ed instructor didn't even bother teaching us about parallel parking because "you'll never have to do it". It's not on the driver's test so that seems fair. There really isn't much parallel parking in most of the cities in FL I've lived in, and I live in a city in NC now that has some