
I'm a Jennifer born in 1990. They almost named me Jessica, but changed their minds.

More like 9/11, you know, since we were sitting in elementary and middle school classrooms that turned on the TV to watch it when it happened. I know few people my age who gave much of a crap about the Kanye/Taylor Swift thing. And pretty much everyone I know knows how to cook, clean, do laundry, etc., at least once

What's wrong with Tampa? I lived there for 4 years and it was a huge improvement over suburban Florida. I miss it, actually.

I agree. I hated exercise as a kid and as a teen because I had had physical and occupational therapy for years and most of the bullying I experienced happened at PE. I associated those painful memories with exercise because I had never had a healthy, happy experience with physical activity. That changed for me when I

My excuse for not working on curing cancer is that I don't like biology so I'm working in chemistry/energy storage instead. ;) That would be an awesome image, though!

In my field, graduate degrees are free and mean you spent a lot of time doing research, not sitting in a lecture hall. I would not learn more thinking and reading on my own than I do actually getting to do the research, and you can't really do that without institutional support and facilities.

My workout playlist is pretty much exclusively Dragonforce and Sabaton. Some Nightwish, Dark Moor, and Rhapsody of Fire as well. Genres other than power metal often just don't seem epic enough to me anymore.

I was a middle-class kid in a super rich school. The '97 Camry in the parking lot full of '07 Mustangs. :) (not really poor because I did have a car in high school!)


I realized that some people actually liked me when I finally got a Facebook the day of graduation and got invited to tons of graduation parties by the kids who were probably most popular but also smart kids who knew me from the honors/AP classes. It didn't turn into a Carrie type situation so it's like, oh, some

Nope! Daughter of a music teacher and a third grade teacher married to son of a music teacher and a music therapist, all living in Florida.

My male "most likely to succeed" counterpart and I did decide to pose for our picture with the world as the background, with me holding a scepter and him wearing a crown. Muahaha. And my senior quote was from Michael Crawford: "Remember that I control all the chandeliers above your head." I think in another interview

My husband was apparently voted "most likely to become dictator of a small island country". My school didn't have that category, not sure what it says about him.

I thought everyone hated me in high school. Came to find out that it wasn't nearly everyone, but just many people who I had never met (big school) but decided to call me the devil and knock me onto asphalt and trip me onto tile and steal my backpack and hide it all the way across campus and tell me that I'm too pale

My husband alternates between either working 5am-1pm or 6pm-11pm, but has on occasion had to do crazy things like 5am to 6 am the next day. In college he had a job from 7 pm-3:30am. Since I work usually 8:30am-8:30pm, it means we rarely see each other more than in passing. But in his case, his job sucks and he hates

I actually feel much better when I track my calories. Energetic and happy. I ate like crap yesterday (I'm too cheap/poor to turn down free pizza at seminars) and consequently felt like crap today, in a way I didn't feel for the 3 weeks prior, when I tracked and stayed within a 1300-1700 range and exercised an average

Wait...analogy? Isn't that a simile?

Agreed! I finally got a bra in 32F (my size) as opposed to ones that didn't fit but were easier to get ahold of, and the difference is magical! It's more comfortable wearing it than not wearing it.

One of my cats has smelled like graham crackers for her entire life. The other does not. They are half-sisters and I do not even understand.

Crusader Kings 2! I'm the Emperor of Francia. Conquered Bavaria and Scotland tonight, woo!