that's a man baby
that's a man baby
The Acclaim South Park first person shooter that my friends and I destroyed our N64 analog sticks playing was a 5.8/10?
Honestly no one ever said it was a military simulator, Just because soldiers play Fps games does not automatically make it a simulator. You obviously dont know anything about Battlefield.
BF has never been a military simulator ARMA is BF is simply a FPS with alot of features.
As a programmer seeing all the people who've likely never even heard of "Hello World" commenting about how it's lies that it took six months because a modder managed to half ass something in two weeks is making me face palm so hard. If you want an analogue to how I'm feeling take whatever you do for a living. Then…
Yes I'm well aware of Bullet Drop. Look you can't just say "it has bullet drop, so it's on the more realistic side of an arcade shooter". There's a line you have to cross to reach that. Every game has some kind of realism, of course. Otherwise let's say the guns are modeled after real life guns, so it's on the more…
I already know that hate I'm gonna catch here but fuck it.
Well, except for like MMOs or whatever... but come on! This was Sim City!
Insurgency is more realistic than BF4. I really enjoy insurgency.
Bullet drop, maet.
So I bought a Dremel. (A lot of my horror stories start out that way actually.)
Let us compare that to the amount of damage the Avengers caused, or the Transformers - versus the impact of the threats they faced.
No one speaks to His Majesty that way, console peasant.
Call your ISP and threaten to switch to another company. I guarantee they will lower your bill to keep you. Last I checked CT is in the USA.
I'm paying $9.99 for 100 mbps down/75 up. If you live near a major city like 70% of the population does you have access to high speed internet.
Alternate headlines time!
Sometimes an ice cube goes rogue and tries to kill everyone.