So I bought a Dremel. (A lot of my horror stories start out that way actually.)
So I bought a Dremel. (A lot of my horror stories start out that way actually.)
Let us compare that to the amount of damage the Avengers caused, or the Transformers - versus the impact of the threats they faced.
No one speaks to His Majesty that way, console peasant.
Call your ISP and threaten to switch to another company. I guarantee they will lower your bill to keep you. Last I checked CT is in the USA.
I'm paying $9.99 for 100 mbps down/75 up. If you live near a major city like 70% of the population does you have access to high speed internet.
Alternate headlines time!
Sometimes an ice cube goes rogue and tries to kill everyone.
He's the cookie-cutter-call-out hipster.
Joking aside, Final Fantasy WOULD be an awful gift.
Seriously? We are having this discussion in regards to Bioshock... the cruddy fps? Maybe these guys don't play the games but merely watch them being played because it's about as run of the mill as you can get. Only 49% of what's important in a game is story, the other 51% is gameplay.
I love how he disappointingly just lowers his arm after getting flipped of.
Does anyone else cringe when they watch someone else play a game that you normally play?
All tears. Forever cry. Much warmed heart. Very faith. Wow.
Mine used to be Angel of Death by Slayer.
That's brilliant! I also need a masturbation theme.
Sorry, but um...
I am sorry but thats got NOTHING, and i mean NOTHING on Earth Special Forces. 10+ years of development, and pushing the old goldsrc engine to extremes the original developers never thought possible, i believe they deserve more credit.