
We're talking minutes here,

I've been hearing a lot of complaints lately regarding project greenlight. I browse the pages every so often looking for concepts I'd like and vote for them, can someone please take their time to give me a summary of whats messed up about it?

If I remember correctly the greenlight was supposed to make the process faster (and really from what I've noticed it really is in comparison to the days of old) because of Valves lack of employees. I would expect using the method you mention would be much more time consuming with less throughput.

You sure? Windy and Windy both spelled the same but 2 different meanings, yet Cunt and Pussy are supposed to be exactly opposite. Most folks still don't know pussy is short for pusillanimous, meaning cowardly.

But...its a blog post...its not an actual accredited journalism website...its just click bait...

Why does she need to be feared? Sexist.

Some people don't believe in suppressing free speech. You are able to criticize just as they are allowed to be asshats.

Fuckin a.

You're mistaking hating people for spreading false information with hating women. You can hate someone, that is a woman, while the gender not being a factor. I don't speak for everyone, but I do speak for a damn large portion.

Are you saying no woman could ever be a cunt? And by calling one woman a cunt would mean they are a hater of all women? Hating one person who happens to be a woman equals hating all women? What if a man were to be called a cunt would that also mean they are calling that person a woman and hating all other women?

Ignorance is bliss. Now anytime you wish to preach about how some specific group of people are being oppressed, remember that they should've remained ignorant that they were ever oppressed and the fear will go away.

So all gamergaters are misogynists. Just like how all gays want to convert everyones kids and feminists want to have superiority to men and republicans want to shoot everyone and liberals want to tell everyone how to live their lives and christians want to kill everyone and muslims want to murder everyone and vegans

Absolutely. Although I'm an amd fanboy I just have my reservations of freeSync since I haven't seen any reviews. Next month they have the products released with DP 1.2a/1.3 so we'll be seeing some shortly, hopefully.

Great point, hopefully when the PCIE (m.2) standard evolves for storage it'll get better from that perspective. Also another thing that I didn't even take into consideration is that with the onset, at least in the PC sector, of GSync/FreeSync are said to eliminate stuttering (or at least decrease it substantially as

In terms of the streamlining, absolutely. My main point was that the pooled GDDR5 isn't all dedicated for video (Vram*).

Its not VRAM. the GDDR5 ram is pooled to be used by both the imbedded GPU and CPU in tandem. It is not all inteded for VRAM. Not to mention you won't need 6GB of Vram for games running at or below 1080P when the processor can't keep up with the computations. Theres a reason why when games require 4Gb+ they also

MMO is being so overused. It used to be 1000's OF PLAYERS on the same map simultaneously, now its just thousands of players playing the game. Flappy birds, the best Phone APP game evar!!!!!111one

So feminism has come to this...

Just going off the main title, doesn't anyone wish someone they're attracted to would smile more or accept their advances?

I believe they are equally as important, snowball effect can be disastrous with either of these scenarios.