This game was an interactive movie...
This game was an interactive movie...
In the metal community, Gene Simmons is even considered a douche. The fact that your disappointing by anything he says leaves me to believe you never heard a damn thing from this guy. If you actually followed anything this dude said in the past 20 years then you would not be surprised.
Check your privilege that you are judging people because you assume that this person is getting full organic meals. There are cheaper and healthier options to fast food dollar menu's at the local markets that won't result in obesity related doctor bills and will only be hardly more expensive than buying 2 items off…
I think Albert Burneko's point was that leaving Burger King would not cause the child to forget about the pie, I don't think he was disproving the child was a little shit in the least. I say fuck the kid and the mother. Also taking the kids out for fast food once in a great while doesn't make someone a shitty…
Then again, you're not making money from people paying to come watch (note: not record w/ potential to upload to various video sharing services) your show, delusional is right but its aimed at the wrong person.
He was being honest. Just as someone whose recording in a theater, concert on the floor or anywhere else for that matter. It obstructs peoples view of the stage, creates a distraction and more than likely is against the rules of the establishment. If he said it to a guy that was doing the same thing, this would be…
Im giving less and less shits about the automated karma system of sandbox games. Even if no one sees you, or even if the AI doesn't suspect something, you will still get dinged for stealing something. Can't wait for this shit to get more dynamic. BRING ON THE NEW AGE!
Brave woman willingly talk shit about dicks? How about a woman brave enough not to give her number out to a bunch of horny dudes?
This article is following the way of the 3rd/4th wave feminist movement. What your saying is that a woman can put her hands on a man in any angry/violent manner. This includes hitting, scratching, punching, gouging, digging, squeezing and pulling and not receive any manner of physical altercation in a manner of self…
Tracy Moore comes in to "Attack" the sexist work environment by stating self confidence and being less Petty makes you happier. Well third/fourth wave feminism likely not included because reasons.
Its funny you say "attacks" instead of "reports on". feminist blogging. Changing the world one report, that results in no change, at a time.
I think the main focus of this is ONLY graphics. Your points are valid but unfortunately wasted space considering this mod will most likely be ported over to GTA V when its released for PC. I liked GTA IV, especially the changes to combat, but like many of the points you listed it was lacking in many other areas.
Pro troll. Jezebel still thinks its real. THE PROBLEM WITH MEN TODAY IS THE FACT THAT WE CAN'T GET THE TROLLZ.
Which is why whites cannot be associated with breakdancing "gangstas" right? Forbid that they attempt to copy the character of the original TV show. Everythings racist because it has an attitude or says phrases that you associate with a specific race, that association being racist in and of itself.
In semi-horribly related news, a Canadian woman who was found guilty in the deaths of two motorists after she stopped to help ducks on the side of the road is appealing her conviction.
I know i'm just thinking too much into it. But why is the T-800 using a Tri-Pod for the minigun when stabilizer technology of today can allow people to cross sea fairing ships with 30 foot waves. Not to mention Ahnuld holding the damn thing like a got damn boss.
You sound horrifically racist. White guys trying to be gangsta while blacks just are? Robots trying to be black when the mentality is not ethnically centric? Holding onto stereotypes in such a way can only give you an obscure vision of the world and may lead you to thinking robots are racist.
Indeed, grow thick skin, unless your a feminist because what else are you gonna bitch about. HIYOOOOOOOOO
First, never give horny old Republican your contact info, especially if he wants to fuck you. Second, if you are a celebrity, never demand sexual favors from a person who wants money; if you do not give them they money, they will figure out a way to get money by selling the story of how you demanded sexual favors…