
You're absolutely right. I say they remove the blacks asian mexicans and gays from the video game to make sure this never occurs again. That way only the white privileged get shot and finally feel what its like.

my god. i am just thankful you were able to bring light to this horrible occurance in the VR realm. Hopefully they can tighten up gun control and promote tolerance in a game such as this.

I lol'd. Especially @


The likely hood that anyone other than the 14 yr old dieing from that crash was minute. I would not feel sympathy for the 14 yr old dying as he put far too many others lives in jeopardy.

WHERES YOUR COMPENSATION JOKES NOW ASSHOLES? This motherfucker took his "Big Ol' Truck" and potentially saved the lives of children with it. Try that with a prius.

You mean to say a transgendered person actually had a conversation with Limbaugh and got him to understand whats considered a slur or not and he understood? Wow I thought if LGBT or Feminist arguments came from non-discussion, closed minded rhetoric where a discussion consists of shutting out those that don't agree

OH FUCK YOU JUST PIERS MORGANED YOURSELF. Trans means you have one set of genitals but you identify as another sex. A person born with a penis and has a strong feeling of being feminine. As an FYI, they are very (IMO overly) sensitive about being considered the sex they do not identify with even if the criteria is

Unlike you, who polished off a bottle of wine and got emotional watching Ansun Sujoe and Sriram Hathwar make history, these other assholes decided to compensate for all the shortcomings in their shitty lives by posting a bunch of racist nonsense on social media.

I support this protest. free the titties!

PUAHate is a group of self-pitying babies



The dude lived in Santa Barbara going to the local university and couldn't talk to females. So when they wouldn't even give him a chance he gets pissed. Think of all the guys that are like that, just think about it. Now think about how one could just say something nice to them or help them with something. But its

INterested in the game just gonna wait for a steam sale. However, I am actually thoroughly impressed by the AI's ability to fix its own glitch. FANTASTIC.

Would my first time purchasing a car (brand new at that) and I have had my sights on the FRS. Sad to see the rumor of the 2.5l turned out to be just that, but was still fun to test drive. The new suspension worth getting the 2015 model over 13/14?

And playboy still don't give a shit. TITTIES

Piss poor