
**if** its even Weyland.

Except I'm sure whatever corporate entity she worked for (assuming weyland) they would have maybe had some sort of idea that the xenomorph existed after a debriefing, similar to what we witnessed in Aliens, just after Ripley learned her daughter died of old age, when they denied having ever heard of any sort of

They should've used a completely separate incident and NOT FUCKING RIPLEYS DAUGHTER. Spoiler alert, she dies of OLD AGE (per "Aliens").

...and it is way too much work for so little payoff.

Jezebel, where looks don't matter unless its an unattractive man, erm, I mean creepy man.

I thank this person for the housewives crying video.

Best thing posted ever.

Is that all Jezebel thinks about is tits?

BAHAHAHAH pathetic.


From a suburbanite womans perspective. Yet for some reason you forgo the fact that the man is defeating gender roles by helping a woman learn to use a saw and not judging her as "thats cute honey now go back inside and make a sandwich while I build a bookshell using nothing more than my hands". Judgmental asshole.

If theres anything I learned from 3rd wave feminists, sexual violence truly is the norm.

don't judge a woman based on looks but judge a womans name?

This is the part where I make a joke about Colbert being cancelled that everyone's already made on Twitter.

I lost it at "And one security guard."

There are those that purchase the most expensive parts annually/bi-annually that can afford these types of hardware. Not everyone is in the same demographic.

its not racist because its white.

its not racist because its white.

Stop! It's hammer time. I think someone should've explained to him what they meant by pounding some womenz.