
While I don’t think that criticizing Israel is antisemitic, I do think it’s funny how this article (and many others) only portray half truths, while also constantly conveniently ignoring the multiple acts of terrorism perpetrated by the leaders of the Palestinian state, that they have done for decades now, and

Israel’s current government is fucking trash, and most of that is Benjamin Netanyahu. There’s definitely a whole lot of people that are just as garbage, though, seeing as how they keep re-electing him and his party.

It really is a fascinating situation because... well, yeah, Star Trek on this subject is often a “it was often not-good-to-bad, but it was still better than most of the contemporaries” situation.

Well the swastika is a bit different in Asia, since its a Buddhist religious symbol it was never “reclaimed” it always stayed as a religious symbol. It was just acknowledged that the nazis used a variation of it, and that was bad.

You’re right, a government with a propaganda machine in full swing, backed by an army that tried to commit genocide and invaded a ton of Europe is certainly comparable to a hand full of racist goons who use the OK hand gesture. 

So we should give up every sign, symbol or w/e that we have whenever a group with malicious intents starts using it? The ‘OK’ sign has been used in scuba diving for years for example . We shouldn’t feel forced to give up something just because a malicious minority decided it was theirs to use, even if it was for ‘teh

So you’re basically giving a bunch of racist pricks the power to determine the symbols or gestures that are acceptable and unacceptable in society? I don’t see how that could possibly go wrong... Maybe they should also co-opt the thumbs up, the fist in the air, the peace sign, and every other innocuous gesture we use

So, the solution is to just let racists have a symbol? To just gain ground over something that has been universally used to say OK for who knows how long?

I constantly have dreams of being part of scrabble tournaments but the words never make sense. People getting points for none sense, I put down AW3DJAJ@ and only get 5 points while Billy puts down kopi91¿ and gets 5k points. I guess the upside down question mark is worth a lot but the rules are not posted anywhere.

I dislike the game as much as you do but I have to point out that the main character, Markus, is played by a mixed-race actor (probably a deliberate choice on David “we live in a post-racial society” Cage’s part) so he’s not necessarily white.

Haha, forgot those. I wanna give it a play now.

Also, when I said impaled on mast? I shoulda said bow! I stand ashamed at my lacking boat knowledge.

Ha, that is the shark game I’d bring up for this list myself. I beat it, it’s actually not too hard. It’s just one of those cases where a NES game didn’t have built-in tutorials so you had to figure out what it wanted you to do (or have the manual).

Basically the conch shells you collect are XP and after you have

Meanwhile, I had a traumatizing childhood filled with the NES Jaws game. A game which I was never smart enough to stop playing, despite never getting anywhere.

What a glorious age this is for gaming.

Whenever the present day bums me out, I ask myself, “Well, what were things like exactly 100 years ago?”.

I’m not sure you realize exactly what that would entail.

On the flipside, the internet as we know it couldn’t exist is companies were held responsible for the actions of private individuals using their services.

It’s really crazy how much changes - I remember the first time I tried to throw a football after being on HRT for a while, and I nearly threw my arm out of my socket. Like, people will talk about “oh your skeletal structure doesn’t change” and yet in addition to whatever the hell happened to my hips, A) I lost 2

I posted this as part of a reply to another Trans-athlete article a few weeks ago. The point stands and is in fact more salient here than it was when I last posted it:

I don’t think comparing a short basketball player to a tall one is the same as comparing sprinters.

I 100% believe these girls who were born as boys identify as female and are trans.