
Oh no, an IWC representative. Look, Shin is one of the five best in-ring performers on the planet. But that’s not WWE’s prime consideration. If it were, the company wouldn’t have put its world champion, and the best in-ring performer on the planet, in a four-month program with James Ellsworth.

In Atlanta they call that ‘the bottom of the first’.

That article makes no mention, whatsoever, of reverting back to steam. Nice effort though? I guess? Just because it isn’t currently working well, doesn’t mean it still isn’t the best long term solution and ALSO doesn’t mean it can’t be criticized.

Ryan, did you read your own article? The scientists aren’t right or wrong, they’re saying the way inflation was represented and dismissed was wrong, and even if inflation turns out to be wrong, they will still be correct.

Judge Currie M. Mingledorf

Best way to avoid accidents with guns... Get a good gun safety education and get your CHILDREN to gun safety classes. the worst thing you can do is treat guns like an evil boogyman and only use scary words. Children absolutely need to understand a gun is not a toy, and that you only point it at things you want dead

He really dinged the donger

I view Snape as being like J. K. Simmons’ character in Whiplash. He’s hard on the kids because he’s challenging them to do better, to be better wizards, because they are going to need to be if they’re going to win. And he shows favoritism to the Slytherins so they don’t try so hard, and they end up with good grades

I just like the logic of “BRO CAN’T PLAY WITH ITEMS AND CAN ONLY USE CERTAIN MAPS BECAUSE THIS IS ABOUT SKILL BRO” and then endorsing the use of broken controllers to do moves that were never intentionally supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

As a very strongly free market person, this is a mockery of actual free market principles. The ISP business is not a free market. In many regions of the country (including my own), it is a monopoly, or at best a duopoly.

“anyone noticing a pattern in this comment?”

I had some similar feelings in the bottom of my stomach when I saw the trailer, but the movie actually does a pretty good job of handling everything from the mental illness to the relationship between a mentally ill person and a therapist. A big part of this is because the illness is extrapolated to the extreme.

I’m curious - have you seen the movie?

Because honestly, this was my impression going into it, and I changed my mind by the end.

Get rid of Mendoza on SNB. Adds nothing. Bag the horrible SC6 show and send those two packing.

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

I don’t see why. When I hear they are making another WWII movie, I don’t roll my eyes and think, “This again?” If it tells a good story, is compelling, and has great gameplay, I’m down.

What’s wrong with being openly religious? Somehow, I feel like you’d have a problem with someone saying “Fine, be gay but keep it to yourself please.”

I worked for a credit card bank in the '90s - I was able to get all the way into the computer room from outside the front door; bypassing all the codes and locks in seconds. The front door unlocked from the inside with a motion sensor (so people could get out) - I slipped a piece of wood between the doors and