I'm going to forward this article to my wife the next time she frets about my driving through Tyson's Corner construction on the way to my desk job.
I'm going to forward this article to my wife the next time she frets about my driving through Tyson's Corner construction on the way to my desk job.
Did MacNeil Industries force you to return your WeatherTech mats too?
The single-spoke wheel gives it away as a Citroen
What is your [insert car forum name] handle?
You must phrase the question so that it requires a narrative answer, such as "please tell me about all the dead hookers who have been in the trunk."
NICE! HC for you!
And it's "Pump Up the Jam" (singular).
The description is amateurish at best- hee (assuming it's a he) could have come up with much better 1990's references (Gulf War?)
Prescription windshields
Somebody will find a way to blame Obama for this.
Self-repairing cars
Self-driving cars
512BB LM you say? I just snapped a shot of one at my local car show over the weekend and agree- ungodly cool is right.
You are assuming that the plate describes the car and not the driver
Absolutely terrible and tragic- condolences to his loved ones. That is all.
I like this guy's method better: [jalopnik.com]
Second Gen (1970.5-1981) Trans Am's. With malaise era cars such as this one, on the way home from the dealer,the new owner would typically stop by the auto parts store for some goodies. It's nearly impossible to find one with an unmolested shaker scoop. In the 1980's, the JC Whitney catalog had a special section…
How delicious is the irony that the seller is based in Canada?
Since when did Iran join Starfleet?
[redacted due to nibbles]