
Car from Woody Allen's "Sleeper"

Hey that's not futuristic, because it supposedly happened a long time ago. . .

I hear the amphibious edition has a screen door

Heart click for that one!

Subaru SVX

This car appears to be fully loaded, but it's still a little too much. The coolest thing about this wagon is that the wayback seats opened toward each other, diner booth style. When I was a kid my dad had a 1972 Country Squire which was a piece of shit- it ran-on after you turned it off, but my dad told me the car

So what'd he sell Boss No. 1 for? He pulled the auction before it finished.

I'm trying to find a "because racecar" joke in there somewhere but I just can't at the moment.

Yeah, I was driven around in many a carpool in a GM classic "clamshell" wagon. NICE

Sorry, but I can't agree with the "cool" moniker here, but at $800 virtually anything is a good deal, including today's subject, although I'm more of a fan of the previous body style, shown here

If I wanted to harvest somebody's organs, this is the exact ad I would have placed.

Yes- the SUICIDE doors

Amazing his kidneys didn't get stolen. That's how they do it, right?

Commence wild and craziness

It has two floors

Funny, he strikes me more as a Mitsuoka Orochi kind of guy

Nice, but I prefer the early Colonnade Elkys

Those crazy Deltas!

Relax, the pizza was for her 100 cats