
I was eating something when Thomas the Tank Engine appeared. I nearly choked.

Fazekas and Butters get an eternal pass for the greatly departed series, Reaper.

Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters made Agent Carter. McFeely and Markus may get "creator" credit, but that's likely due to the rights tied to Carter's appearance in First Avenger.

You're really annoying

I loved Eddie's book and was so excited when I heard about this show. I have always admired his passion and honestly about what drives him. I was reading another review giving background on what it took to get this show made and how others have found working with him to be difficult because he's so opinionated... our

So exciting to finally see some progress on this front in the MSM. When it comes to Asian stars in the modern consciousness, most people can still only name Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and if you're lucky Jet Li - nothing against these legends, but they have long since had their heyday. Now with talent like Eddie Huang,

Burning down buildings, torching cars and discharging weapons is a hell of a lot different than killing or harming someone. How many cops have been seriously maimed or injured since this happened? I mean I know we'd hear about it if one was, so tell me, how many? These weapons could have been discharged in the

And I'm glad Aidy's mom seemed to work out that whole thing with Jean.

It was nice to see Jean again. Seems like her cough is gone.

The Avengers

They will go out of their way to shit on their fellow black people. There is nothing worse than a black person that denies racism and think that other black people "play the victim." They will bend over backwards to prove they are "not those kind of blacks." Oh and in my own experience, immigrant black people are some

I simply don't understand why anyone who is not a straight, white male would run as a Republican. Why you would run as a member of a party that has as part of it's platform, "We hate you and don't believe you should have equal rights" is beyond me.

And they don't butcher kittens in the walk-in, so they're not total shitheads. And their barbecue is great, so they can't be all bad. And Hitler had a dog, so he had some decent impulses, amirite?

I guess he meant the privilege of dying in wholesale lots while building railroads, and occasionally being run out of, among other cities, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and LA. Such privilege!

I was talking to my bff about this last night. He's white. I'm black. He used to work at a restaurant, and he would always tell me how the servers hated getting black customers (because "we" were bad tippers). One incident in particular stands out for me: he said a server yelled at the host (a Latino, btw) and told

Also: Stop using Asian Americans to attack African Americans, please and thanks.

Oh come on, Asian people are always with the "Hey, my ching chong, what's up?!" Why can't non-Asian people say it?

Casual racism at a place with 'Fox' in the name... how unusual.

Remember a little while ago when Bill O'Reilly was running his mouth about, "Everyone talks about white privilege. Why don't we talk about Asian privilege?" Well, Bill, shit like this is fucking why.

I heard someone say once, that if all that extraterrestrials had available to them in their efforts to understand life on earth were movies and television shows, that they would naturally assume that the human population was 85% white and male, and that the life span of the female was approximately 25 years.