
Eyyy Mark- I appreciate the "warning" within the article prior to quoting the horrible things people online are saying about Mack. That shows a kind of awareness that such content (verbal abuse, bullying) may be triggering for the reader and is not to be exploited…

LOVE PORN! CAN'T GET ENOUGH PORN. But HATE THE PERSON PROVIDING YOU WITH THE PORN. Fuckwits. I can't express my contempt for these people.

Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.

I've been feeling bad for her husband through all of this. A lot of people were celebrating Morelli coming out, and the wonderful love story of her dating our favorite lesbian character Poussey — but it's actually a sad story about someone who didn't figure her shit out before she committed her life to this poor guy,

I read the headline as "transparent butt heads" and was trying to envision what that artwork (?) might look like. #readingcomprehensionfail

2009 Nicki also unleashed her Monster verse, which remains one of the greatest feature in the aughts and established her actual talent. So, yeah. Like Iggy if you want to, but the rest of us are allowed to think she's trash.

Uh. I think you are kind of missing the point. People dont hate her because shes gimmicky. People hate her because shes racist as fuck.

I figured out why Lena Dunham and Taylor Swift are good friends. Most of their creative content is influenced by their personal lives. Not to say that's a terrible thing, but some people can only write about their own lives because they think their experiences are of upmost importance and assume that anyone can

Okay. I saw LD for the first time ever a couple of nights ago, and, yep, nope, not seeing what the fuss is. She's like every fucked-up MFA girl ever. Only she's not a girl, she appears to be a grown woman, which means the shtick is a little long in the tooth, and that she just seems kind of nuts and awful. I don't

I want everyone to see how bad this opinion is.

She's holding the world on her shoulders. And it's covered in girls that are actually chickens.

So the woman who got scratched has until the next blood moon to kill the original one or she turns into Amanda Bynes, right?

Except we wont really be a minority because well still be a plurality of citizens. White folk will still substantially outnumber every other group, just not all those groups combined... which I just realized makes the future of our democracy a Captain planet battle. A black guy, an Asian woman, a first nations

I'll just leave this here:

White people are scared of being in a minority? But, but...why? I mean, it's not like minorities in this country are treated badly...right?

I suspect the people who have issues with non-whites having a majority are the ones afraid of what their real views on non-whites are being discovered and what will happen to them once they are the minority. I suppose re-evaluating their views and trying to not be racist is out of the question. But what they also fail

I think GOOP is a deeply silly lady who says hilariously out-of-touch things, and I enjoy poking fun at her very much. But I sometimes get a little.....I don’t know. Queasy? Uneasy? about the pile-on she sometimes receives. Does anyone else ever feel that way?

People are really trying to change the meaning of the word.

Is that even considered shade?! Martha straight up called her out.