
Moved to GA a few years ago. I've never felt more aware of my asianness than moving here. Why can't I be meeting women like you?!

As an Asian American originally from the Bay, I can attest. Black Women and Asian Men are allies.

Good god this could be the start of a ridiculously adorable meme.

Goddamnit. Don't ever stop being my favorite writer on here.

So was there some kind of cross promotion to have the girl from the Blurred Lines video model this dress from a company called, Nasty Girl? If so, genius.

Have you seen the test episode for s4 where it fast forwards to her starting in the CIA?

Piz was the worst. I hope we meet his parents in this movie and then they die and then he dies from heartbreak but the reason why his parents died is because they're so embarrassed they gave birth to Piz. FUCK PIZ.

I think we've had a huge misunderstanding. I thought I stated myself clearly but apparently not enough. I actually agree with all that you've said. Also, I'm not a woman.

I apologize for making it sound like everything is rosy nor did I intend to belittle anyone's struggle. I guess considering that I currently reside in the South, being a minority is a constant explanation to people. So while the Bay Area isn't perfect, I feel like I'm actually considered a human being as opposed to

Now continue that great weekend by getting yourself some La Vic. Some people aren't as lucky as you to have access to that sweet sweet orange sauce.

Ok, that was a good one

I definitely agree with most of what you have to say but as an AA I wouldn't exactly say I felt as if I was "sitting pretty". But that is a completely different discussion. I'm only saying that reading this article I feel like they're trying to infer that San Jose is some backwards minded region. Regardless, this is

That's basically what I meant. I currently live in GA where this stuff absolutely should be considered a big deal but this . . .I can recognize that this is a big deal for them and positive representation is ALWAYS a good thing. Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, mind you. It just kind of sounds like it's trying

While representation is always good news (and unfortunate it took this long), I think maybe the reason is possibly BECAUSE SJ has such a rich diversity and maybe the odds would be evenly dispersed amongst minorities. Northern California has a great history of multiculturalism and doesn't treat it's minorities like

I call bullshit. Nowhere on this do we have documentation of the "Plague of Jaydens/Aidens/Braydens". I'd argue that maybe they're living off the grid but the "-aydens" seem to be the only babies allowed on Facebook.

Scrolling through and slowly watch the "Madison" infect other states was my horror movie of the day. "No!!! It's spreading!!!"

Reading those quotes I seriously thought this guy had to be in his mid 20's at MOST. But upon looking him up, nope. No siree. This guy is trying way too hard. We get it. You're straight. Now don't you have some hookers to pay for? Or more accurately, some dominatrix to humiliate you and your flaccid boner?