
Why can't it both be wrong? I find the fact women have to cover their nipples to be as disgusting as the Islamic fundamentalist-inspired covering of hair, body, etc. It's the exact same disturbing argument.

It's cute how people who don't consume the flesh and secretions of tortured animals on a daily basis think they're actually winning conversions by being arrogant, self-aggrandizing assholes who are generally insufferable and completely intolerable. You're not fooling me, losers.

Sure, one is more extreme. But why wouldn't nudists or island tribes women think American women are "brainwashed, oppressed, manipulated" into covering their breasts when our men don't? Is that really a sophomoric question or do you just not have a response because you've accepted one of these forms of "oppression"

Centuries of cultural pressure have dictated that women cover their breasts in public while men are free to go topless. I guess shirts and bras are oppression, not choice.

The same can be said for women who don't go topless or braless while their male counterparts do, especially in warm whether. Maybe wearing a shirt and a bra is not really a 'choice'.

"they've been brainwashed into believing that it's up to them to cover up so men don't get turned into raping monsters"...

You're obviously not looking for a actual conversation, but whatever. I'll say it anyway. Everyone knows that the US is effectively a Christian nation, despite the First Amendment (especially those of us who are not Christian). Come back at me when people aren't actively trying to restrict my access to healthcare,

So is it fair to say your issue is with the culture, and not with the religion? I doubt driving was mentioned in the Quran. Also, note that in most parts of the west, women are legally required to cover their nipples - something men aren't required to do in public. The reasoning is the same - the sight of breasts will

I wrote this comment elsewhere, but am interested in your take on it. In what way is wearing a hijab (covering your hair) different from wearing a top to cover your breasts? Aside from the places where female toplessness is explicitly allowed, women are expected to cover their nipples because they may arouse men,

In a sense, covering your hair is no different than covering any other part of you- say, your nipples. Men have already established that they find breasts arousing, so women must cover them up. Yes, some cities or states may permit women to go topless, but certainly not all. What I'm saying is, we might see hair as

That's crap. Islam is a religion, same as any other. Christians would like to implement Biblical Law just as much as Muslims love Sharia Law.

It helps if you actually get to know a Muslim woman and - oh wow! - actually talk to one! What a concept! I have Muslim girlfriends, including hijabis, and we talk about all kinds of things - including the differences between Islam and Christianity. No judgments. It's amazing what you can learn if you take the time to

I'm probably gonna get chewed out for this, but I'm going in anyway.

this is so odd and amazing

Seriously. There are plenty of Christians in America who have no problem imposing dress codes on women.

Sorry, Mom.

"tearing down an interstate"..."70mph" LOL

Because whether or not you agree with her father's politics, the daughter of the president of the United States is going to be interesting to some people. Welcome to the world.