That is shitty. You seem to still be way smarter than your coworkers though. Thank you for being smart and contributing to herd immunity. I like you!
That is shitty. You seem to still be way smarter than your coworkers though. Thank you for being smart and contributing to herd immunity. I like you!
I think you had something else. You don't get diarrhea with the flu. Those are two separate illnesses.
We don't have to reserve the vaccination for high risk groups because enough of the vaccination was made. Go get your flu vax you idiot!
The flu has nothing to do with the shits. Influenza is a respiratory virus.
Oh, I like you!
OMG. Also you can explain until you are blue in the face why they need to have an empty stomach and they still act like you are trying to starve them for funsies. Yes, you can have something to eat, we will just have to add another day to your admission. Sign out AMA then if you need to have your fried chicken. Fuck.…
Most bridal shop policies include a nonrefundable deposit. It's a binding contract.
But you put a deposit on it if you're intending to purchase. So she did.
I also wonder if the infected nurses were compensated. The CDC should also take some responsibility here as well.
Fair is fair until Amber decided to sue the bridal shop.
Well said.
I live in Minnesota and love playing outside in the winter. But you don't adjust to those temps. You just stay inside and get fat.
Maybe I got a lemon pair but I hate my Sorels. They leak, they are not warm, they are really clunky and I can barely drive in them. I've had them for 12 years and they look brand new which is the only thing they have going for them. I live in Minnesota and I'm a huge fan of playing in the snow. So these boots have…
Thank you for understanding. You're a nice person and I hope you get lots of candy.
Awwww shit, I'm sorry. That went straight over my head.
No, it's Axl.
I love how these idiots don't seem to realize that people obviously like having her as their mayor. Houston has voted her in three times. She's been the mayor since 2010. The people have spoken. Why don't bigots get that? It's like the people who can't deal that our president is black. He was elected president twice.…
Or the best end depending on how they prefer their end of the stick.
Oh thank you for taking the time. I can't deal with that shit. I was accosted by some gypsy's in Strasbourg, France. It makes it not fun to visit, that's for sure.