If you’ve ever met an undocumented immigrant you would quickly know that voting isnt their primary concern.
If you’ve ever met an undocumented immigrant you would quickly know that voting isnt their primary concern.
His whole own screen persona seems so fake and forced.
I really find Chris Harris terrible to watch.
Pretty sure he was speaking metaphorically
Pretty sure he was speaking metaphorically
Al Franken, it sealed her fate. She pushed Dems to take a hardline stance on it trying to show the differences between Republicans and Dems, and Republicans just dont care. They rallied behind a pedophile! They werent going to change their ways, in turn it kicked out one the Dems most intelligent voices in Congress…
If your not drinking Spindrift then you are wrong.
Not supporting Jimmy John...f him
It looks like the new Honda Accord and the Nissan Altima. Blah.
This race showed everything F1 has been missing this year.
This is the witch hunt Trump has been screaming about.
Yeah he said there was a failure in the project management of the Indy effort...shouldnt he be the project manager?
I thought it would be the losing billions of dollars that could destroy Uber.
But you know MORE people voted for her than Trump
The difference between a bad pilot (Russia) and a good pilot.
I have just watched the first episode so far. I work in environmental education at a zoo, writing exhibit signs. Doom and gloom alone does no good. It makes people feel hopeless “everything is terrible, I can’t do anything, so I won’t.” Doom and gloom narratives need to be presented with action statements that…
So its going to fail like the Volt and the Bolt?
Hating the politics of Israel is NOT hating Jewish people. Bebe is basically an Israeli Trump, except he has actually been indicted.
IN-SANE! Don’t know whats crazier...this, or the valuations of Canadian pot stocks.