
My RL gaming group has shrunken considerably since high school. During middle school we all played Everquest, high school we all played WoW, but it broke up a little when we all went to separate colleges. Now out of college I might have one or two friends who are currently playing the same game as I am. So, I

F-35 Chief: Boeing ‘Pissing Us Off’ from 2008

Just got through my first, their third, closed beta and her are my impressions. The quests are terrible. Just click click and go. That's coming from someone who reads all the text in any MMO I play, even WoW after playing for 5 years. But really, you'll be so preoccupied with getting back into combat the quests

Thanks for the suggestion, but I should have probably included that I am male. It did lead me back to, which I think the Gawker sites have used. I went to one in Chicago for Gizmodo and completely forgot about it since. I'll look around there.

I've been in a new city for about a year and a half now, and, though I've made friends, they are all through work. I think that the only reason I really hang out with them is because they are just as desperate for friends as I am. But, most of their personalities don't mesh well with mine. Even though I've met people

That's the same as it is in MO (the inspection thing). There used to be a big problem here in St. Louis of people stealing the stickers from license plates for that reason. Then they switched to those stickers that have the little cuts in them or leave a pattern of the sticker on the plate when you try and peal them

edit: Wow, I pressed cancel and it submitted.

It does look like it could be on the cover of one of those novels you see in the grocery store. "Picking out Revenge" A pop country singer snaps and wears the clothes of her victims.

I love the fact that the giant and our dovakin are in medieval peasant garb and Lydia is in jeans and a pea coat.

Do "that fucking Bruno Mars song" and that fucking Taylor Swift song convey the same thing?

My dad is VERY white. He only started buying Fords when he got into collector cars (56 T-bird, 58 Fairlane). Everything since has been a Ford with the exception of the Jag, which was from when Ford owned them. And btw, my Asian half is Korean, so fitting snuggly into your stereotyping.

I drive a mustang. Only half Asian though, so it's a v6.

Don't worry, when the supervolcano blows, you won't have anything to worry about Wyoming.

How do you know that prairie dog is not offended?

But, what if you have an ass and thighs from playing hockey for 14 years? I'm somewhere between 140 and 150 lbs but they just make me look fat.

I was very disappointed when I found out that pinterest wasn't a social network for beer drinkers.

At least the head will be protected.

Oh goodness, when these used to be funny. How the internet has changed. It's also amazing how many little references to Everquest that you can find in modern MMOs. For instance, you can still /camp in almost all MMOs to log out (maybe someone older than me can trace this back further than EQ).

I ain't givin' you no tree-fitty, you goddamn Char! Get your own goddamn money!

That is one badass looking box. "Mother Box" "Treaty of Versailles"