
Along with what others have said just the lifespan of a fighter jet requires the development of new ones to start even before the current jets are in the air. The f22 has already stopped its production run and restarting it would cost a ton. So in 20 years when those raptors are getting long in the tooth we most

200-300MB, but my phone (mytouch 3g) is terribly outdated to the point where I don't try and do anything other than twitter, gmail, and google maps. I'm looking at the 3-5GB plans when I get my next phone (Galaxy S II), if it ever comes out in the US.

Looks good enough to keep me interested. I'm kind of disappointed with the smuggler gameplay, but I wasn't planning on playing one anyway. I do like the environment interaction; the smuggler being able to take cover. I am going to play a consular and the force powers look like great utility tools. It also looks like

How long till we get to watch them disintegrate some planes off that wicked ramp?

That works so well with the Transformers movies.

The blond is winning right now with 14000 likes. That's s little under twice as much as the next one. "Katy Perry" is in last, thank goodness. Can't stand that haircut.

The way the canopy goes straight into the fuselage reminds me of the Aardvark, which fulfilled a similar role. That paint job makes it look fantastic.

One of what I suspect many "jumping the shark" moments for Battlefield Heroes. I stopped playing it soon after beta.

These sure are getting built fast. I'm looking forward to the local news done in ponies.

Something about the name "Rocketdyne" is so awesome.

I think there's a pheasant roosting close by.

I loved the armors in Age of Conan and these art pieces do not disappoint. Bioware's two upcoming games are Mass Effect 3 and TOR, what could they be hiring him on for? Dragon Age 3? DAOC successor?

St. Louis, MO, United States.

I've got that same bottle opener/usb key. Got it free at a convention with some company's name on it. It doesn't work that well, usually takes three tries to get a bottle open.

Really looking forward to our Forth of July celebration tonight. The last two states I lived in had fireworks bans, but now I live in Missouri. Just hope that the storms clear up tonight or we might be barbecuing more than we bargained for.

3 feet high.

I got one even though I've never played NWN. All that's on my account is BF:BC2.

Can we get more of those arced computer monitors? 40" wide 120 degree screen please.

He's exploiting the auto aim on the PS3. You can literally kill people across the map with the weakest smg in like 4 shots on the console versions using this trick. My friend does the same thing on Xbox.