
Think even Seahawk fans have the bourgeois Timbers fans beat. Not by much, but they do.

Really excited to see the strongly worded letter composed by old men in rebuttal to this.

Welp, that’s it, AI has already surpassed me as I could never figure that damn game out.

Yeah, I immediately thought of the humans taken by the Aliens to be ‘cocooned’. Human immobilized and then implanted with egg, yup, sounds eerily similar.

Just recently got my first character to level 70 and only now do I really have the desire to play with others. Not to mention I like to take my time, most people like to rush, no thanks.

Herman Moore was a close second. Oh, and fuck Andre Ware and fuck my adolescent self for getting excited about him.

So sorry for your loss, never held any animosity to my brethren to the north, so my deepest heartfelt sympathy.

That people actually choose to listen to him.

Well if you still call them the Jailblazers then you haven’t watched/paid attention to the Blazers for almost a solid decade, but I bleed black and red, Blazer fan always, was born into that one and am fine with that. As for colleges I root for all Oregon schools to do well, don’t care which one(s) it is.

Naw man, Lions fans are humble as shit, cause we have to be. We really can’t even talk shit to Browns fans. You know, the way Seattle fans used to be...

Do I ever!

To you and anyone else that wonders how I became a Lions fan: Barry Sanders.

True, which is probably why football is my least favorite sport.

Seahawk fans are waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse, and that is saying something.

You forgot the part where he will be in a nice front office job with the team by next year at the soonest. With his ego I bet he will go for the GM office. Might not be too bad either, as long as he doesn’t crush players egos like MJ.

I’m so glad I avoided this team being pushed down my throats as a young boy growing up in Portland. Their fans, and many of them populate my own city, are the worst kind of fans. So glad I picked the Lions over them lo those many years ago. (And yes, I stand by my last sentence.)

Fantastic post, thanks for sharing. As someone who has been in a pretty rough spot for the past five years or so myself the human aspect of this review definitely speaks to me and it is great to see someone utilize that to review a game. Games often help me through my difficult times much more than people close to me

That sure seems optimistic.

+1 too funny