Cheshire Bat

Very cool. If they could keep the case the same size and have a larger screen, this would be absolutely perfect.

I was expecting to see study paid for by Exxon Mobil.

Yes. I can sleep through almost anything, but I’ve been doing this for years and it works great.

Now that’s how you end an argument.

I’ve never even had a bloody mary and this sounds awesome.

Yeeeeah, I’m sorry. You have to cancel 48 hours in advance.

Sounds like someone needs a hug

This is really cool. A reason to actually use Bing!

My wife works for an insurance company and has shown me many examples where people HAND WRITE “bumber” in an operator’s report. Definitely no typos there.

FBI: Car hacking is a huge problem, but please put in back doors to any security in place for us, thanks!

The reviews on that grappling hook are great (good to read, I think the item is kinda crappy from what the serious reviewers say).

The reviews on that grappling hook are great (good to read, I think the item is kinda crappy from what the serious

I figuratively can’t do anything at all and I very easily managed to install a bunch of these in my house. It’ll change your life. I opted for the type that lets you keep both your outlets:

That is pretty badass.

I feel like this is what happens when you’re not specific enough when you ask the genie to grant a wish.

I’m in a similar situation. This wouldn’t work for any of my vehicles, but I did recently purchase the following, specifically for a 5.7L V8:

I’m in a similar situation. This wouldn’t work for any of my vehicles, but I did recently purchase the following,

$24,978.73 since oh three. Not as bad as I was expecting. I was a little scared that it took several hours to generate my report.

Not a good sign:

Are you a Red subscriber? This is actually a feature that becomes enabled if you are.

Good tip. We did this as well. Our realtor was very good, and she noticed the subtle little white pipes on other homes in the neighborhood, indicating that they had systems.

If it was still $100 for Prime members, I’d scoop up a second one in a er.. second.

If it was still $100 for Prime members, I’d scoop up a second one in a er.. second.