Cheshire Bat

Actually it was someone typing an invalid URL, but I guess some people are easily offended. Enough to post this three times, it looks like :).

I once put the Homestar Runner 404'd page as the 404 page of a test server at work. An older gentleman was quite offended by it. In his defense, it wasn't a very helpful page if you don't have a sense of humor.

The Chase Amazon Visa gives 3% at Amazon, 2% at restaurants (and other things I don't remember) and 1% on everything else.

Seriously. Good stuff.

Hah! I didn't even notice that your name was Patrick. I was referring to your kinda co-worker Patrick George at Jalopnik :).

This is awesome. I recently found out that my Sony Blu-Ray player can do this too. Don't really need the Chromecast very much anymore.

That's odd, I thought Virginia didn't take kindly to speed. Ask Patrick ;).

This article couldn't have been more perfectly timed for me. Thanks!

Yeah, as long as you cover that awful grille with a brush guard.

Which USB outlet did you use for this project?

This is why I thought that article about someone having trouble cancelling their Comcast service was odd. I hate dealing with other humans, and I avoid it at all cost. When I switched to FiOS, however, I brought my boxes to a Comcast location and was out in 5 minutes. The woman asked me why, and I told her that FiOS

Maybe it was a dream when I saw that they ruined the nose of the new model?

In my experience, discussing salaries will just cause resentment, low morale and a terrible working environment.

I invest a huge portion of my money so I never really have a bunch of cash just lying around. I used to joke with a girlfriend that I didn't have money because I spent it on my mutual fund expense ratios. "That's not really spending it, Will."

Bold lock screen message :)

Dr. Kripke also added, "You guys are weally getting too much sweep."

As I was reading this, I wondered where in the world people would do this. Surely nowhere that I've ever been. Then I kept reading, and IT HAPPENED IN THE TOWN I GREW UP IN. God I hate that place.

You've never owned a Chrysler, I'm guessing :). I'm on my second and last. My Charger has been plagued by wiring and computer issues since I got it.

Guys. Unless they bring back hammer pants. Hmmm....

I have a KeySmart for when I need to carry actual keys (almost never), but that Keydisk is pretty awesome. Too bad I only need 2 keys!