
Israel wants what’s best for Israel only, and no longer speaks for the Jewish people. They’re a settler-colonial apartheid state and the world is conditioned to not criticize their actions because by Israeli logic to say “Apartheid is bad, colonialism is bad, and walling indigenous people into ghettos and slowly

I am not an anti-Semite by any means, and I am not opposed to helping Israel however we can; however, it has always seemed to me that Israel is only interested in what is best for the Jewish people, and they want everyone else (i.e. other governments) to be interested in what is best for them as well above other

Even if it is, does it matter? He’ll be momentarily disgraced, then either become a lobbyist or start his own “consulting” firm and make a killing. Sure, he won’t be the AG, but he’ll end up doing something a lot cushier for a lot more money. I can’t see him being that upset about it.

I don’t think you quite understand. Alibaba is the SOURCE of these neck pillows.

I don’t think you quite understand. Alibaba is the SOURCE of these neck pillows.

In September, 32 girls in Chicago went on a religious retreat together. By November, their text message chain was riddled with racial slurs that got five of them suspended or expelled from their high school

Omg totally agreed on american cheese, the most fouls thing ever. BARF.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Just imagine how she is going to react when someone tells her where pistachios come from...

It’s a great display. I’ve had one for serveral months with no problems. Normally l’d prefer a Sony, but for the price it can’t be beat. By the way, the product description tells you that it does not have a tuner. Did you read it before you bought it?

It’s a great display. I’ve had one for serveral months with no problems. Normally l’d prefer a Sony, but for the

With no tuner, why would you need number keys, etc. I got this today and set it up with my cable box as the input. I can do everything I need from my cable provided remote.

With no tuner, why would you need number keys, etc. I got this today and set it up with my cable box as the input.

“Almost all new cars come with Bluetooth these days”

“Almost all new cars come with Bluetooth these days”

Bush showed some kind of respect for the institutions that the US is built on.

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

If you haven’t seen it, look up Van Jones’ remarks from tonight about how race factored into this election. He refers to it as a “whitelash”. It was as much about fighting back against a broken political system as it was the conservative white population fighting back against the great strides we’ve made around

Trayvon Martin.

Honestly Senator, that comment didn’t get any traction in the debate. What makes you think it’ll do you any good here?

I’m pretty much done with anybody who won’t acknowledge the racial caste system in this country. Time to stop talking and start voting and wresting the power away.

Wow. If this isn’t one of the best illustrations of white privilege, I don’t know what is. Cases like this are why I’m beyond done with white people who lecture black people about our “culture” or about how we need to “just listen to police officers” and “stop breaking the law.” FUCK people who say that when shit


Hey, they are just letting you know what the entire interior is made of