
I would watch this just to see him answer every question with "I'm not aware of that" or "I didn't know that took place" or "No comment."

Yes I want to jeopardize my job at CNN to help a shitty website site do yet another whining article about nonsense. How about fuck off and do your own real work and not look for random people on the internet to do it for you.

so you know when to scream.


We're going to see a lot more of this. My belief is that speed laws, photo radar, laser guns, photo radar vans etc are used largely for revenue generation under the guise of 'safety'. Speed limits are simply too low on most highways and expressways. Motorcyclists are demonized by cops and the news because they are so

It was an inside job.

There's no FCC involvement on this station. 87.7 FM ?? What is this, an internet only or a station run over a cable system?

The minutes hand is for timing your 0-60 run, hour hand is for the quarter mile.

I want them to do Lrrr, ruler of omecron persei eight.

Needs more flags.

After seeing these, I really want to seem them do Morbo.

He will utterly crush these other pathetic costumes!

He just looks like an old guy with giant glasses. I'm not criticizing, it's an amazing costume, but it's far from "effin' terrifying".

Big deal. She's pregnant, not crippled. She will be fine without him for a week or two.

Per the link you provided, the extradition is not enforceable. He did not violate any law that falls under the schedule of offenses. Maybe "21. Any act done with intent to endanger the safety of any person travelling upon a railway, or in any aircraft or vessel or other means of transportation." But the

I think I found the article he might use to try to fight this if he's as stubborn as he seems to be:

"Extradition shall not be granted in any of the following circumstances:
.......When the offense in respect of which extradition is requested is of a political character, or the person whose extradition is requested

Like Kevin Durant, hate Billy Haisley.

Apparently DS is all for athletes making as much money as possible until KD signs a max deal and that makes him a sell-out.

Is it ok to genuinely like anything anymore? Dude is a handful-of-times-in-a-generation talent who had one of the best offensive seasons in NBA history last year and gave probably the most heartfelt MVP speech in American sports history. Who the fuck is worthy of our admiration in contrast? Please do tell.

Tebow played 1 full season at QB, 75% of another, and 1% of his final. That's not 3 seasons. Putting Tebow up as an example was 100% spot on, as he is proof that college accolades don't mean shit.

I don't understand what your definition of "chance" is. Sam was drafted by one team, cut, resigned by another, and released because he couldn't make that team either. That sounds like two chances to make it, failed both times.