
...which — and let's be clear about this — is very rarely.

The main reason to buy a Lamborghini is so you can tell other people that you own a Lamborghini. If somebody asks to go for a ride you can simply reply the same as any other Lamborghini owner with "Well, it's in the shop... you know, Italian and all that." and the other person would nod knowingly.

There would be a loud *SHONK* noise, and twelve minutes later, a sharpened telephone pole would impale a rusted out car in South Africa.

Gonna have not one, but TWO of these bad boys!!!!

Q: What happens when you play a country song backwards?

And how long has GM been using Ford developed mass production?

Also station a friend 300 meters away with a scoped rifle.

Is it an African or a European breakfast?

Waiting for the deer.


Where do I mail it?

In the Boston region you can find a number of decent used trucks so it might just be regional, which if it is the case look into a car buying service.

There's GOT to be some epic easter eggs in here...but I'm just not sure if I'm willing to take the risk of never sleeping again to find out.

That's the cool thing about the interwebs, you just click on what you want to read.

"Well, Howie, we're here today to measure our dicks. Though they appear to be about the same size, one is definitely more rigid than the other."

A friend I trust sent this fat dog to me.

I expect sex toy manufacturers to buy up a bunch of the stuff for obvious reasons.

Applying this to BMW's carbon fibre know-how, plus their cloth GINA concept, perhaps we could have a Variably Aerodynamic GINA?