
What I find sad is that Pruitt seems to have fallen not because he was objectively bad at his job or because he pushed destructive policies, but because he was a slightly bigger grifter than his colleagues. If he had the restraint or the decorum of Betsy DeVos or Mick Mulvaney, he would have never been in this

The other day someone asked me what advice i would give their 25 year old daughter who had just been devastated by her boyfriends actions. I told them that she needs to recognize the red flag now. If he is acting this way only a few weeks into a relationship - its likely that this is who he is not “oh he is under

While I do think it’s right to expect an activist like Tamblyn to be talking to her husband when he fucks up, I also don’t think we should expect her to be able to perform the miracle of being able to transform her oaf into someone properly woke or to air their marital disputes on these issues in public.

I long for a lawsuit against these dingdongs where a domestic violence or robbery call doesn’t get responded to in time because law enforcement had to deal with black people existing somewhere.

Hi there. Brown person who used to live in Oregon. Something very similar happened to me when I lived in Portland, I was working as a property appraiser for the County, and part of the job is to go to homes and remeasure them to make sure we are appraising them correctly.

Maybe when the assholes start calling the cops on a white kids lemonade stand or a white family bbq or a white candidate out canvassing her constituents 

People do not understand the purpose of 911. It’s not to use an ambulance as a cab, and it’s not to hassle people who haven’t actually done anything suspicious or wrong.

Yes. This is my district, Bynum is my elected representative. I have a lot of neighbors who are selling their houses to move further out of the metro area, claiming “the neighborhood is changing.” Yes, Nancy, POC are legally allowed to live wherever they want now, in stark contrast to Oregon’s history. Get the fuck

I love Chance the Rapper, he seems like such a genuine human. Happy for him.

Now playing

I’ve always had a soft spot for Shirley Manson, I remember seeing Garbage music videos as a little ‘un and thinking she was cool as fuck.

I started cutting off and on after the onset of reasonably severe depression when I was 15; I’m 30 now and the last time I cut was maybe three years ago. I’d like to hope that’s the

Deputy So-and-So is my favourite thing about Sinister.

2A: have your kids ride their bikes around it all the time.  Just the fear of dents will cause him/her to move their car. 

Couple of tricks to get someone to move their car when it’s parked outside of your home everyday.

I just watched Chapter 1 this weekend and rushed to look up the adult cast — I love it!


What show is that?

And not just a one-off. They should get a trilogy like Avengers did, alongside their individual movies and co-starring appearances.

I would be down for this, but only if it didn’t postpone some of these women from getting the solo films they deserve. Movies with all female casts can be pretty awesome*, but it’s not so great when it feels like the women are being segregated into their own film.

And! And! Once Captain Marvel comes out, we’ll also get Brie Larson in on this awesome idea!

Maria Fucking Hill.