
It’s waifu culture—that’s my understanding of it. The fans are essentially upset that they were not told there is a male character involved in her life.

Kidani’s comment is a backhanded way of saying that they shouldn’t be upset when the girls have family members.

This is going too far. She perfectly recreated the character. She’s not saying that his skin color is a costume, she is treating the whole character as one. What was she supposed to do, make the character white? Then wouldn’t there be people shitting on her for black erasure? Should males complain because she is

Oh a tumblr post. My whole world view is changed now.

She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

This is so dumb there's no point explaining why

If you think that any hate crimes in the world happen ‘because PewDiePie’ and because of jokes he might make then I don’t know what to tell you.. And if anyone is ‘raised’ by a media producer on the internet, then that’s going to create problems no matter who it is, people ought to be raised by their parents.

This is probably one of those cases where the translation doesn’t completely convey the intent. What I imagine the bank actually meant was “hey, your name was on a bunch of things, but you’ve never actually run a company yourself. You’ve never been responsible for building a company from nothing. All the day to day

The bank has no way of knowing how much of his success was him, and how much was from Konami: what they *do* know is that his games are very expensive to make, and he himself doesn’t seem to be a fan of micro-transactions, which the corporate world loves.

Might just be me, this type of thing feels uncomfortable to even read about. I don’t know if it’s the story or the way that it’s written but it’s enough to almost elicit a physical reaction of discomfort.

I’m someone who very much enjoys twitch, but this just seems...I dunno. Sad in some way. Which I know smacks of “yeah well you’re not a fan”/“stop being judgemental”, but then also, waiting in line for hours just to be shuttled about for a brief awkward picture sounds incredibly debasing and, I’m sorry but for lack of

I never really got the whole “stand in line to meet X” thing. Movie stars, Band members, Twitch Streamers, etc.

Why spend a little less then two hours wait to get your picture taken with a person who in five minutes won’t remember who you are and whom you might get to say one line too? It just seems the most

My guilty pleasure:

I would’ve thought Yang would be more into free throws.

What about holding the button down so that it charges up, and then swirling it around you so that you can cut NINE squares of grass down in one go?

This came up in the thread about Apple Arcade, but I’d like to point out that our reluctance to pay $50-60 for premium games is what’s leading the industry towards more pay-to-play and subscription models.

Given the user name, that seems on brand.

He clearly typed IDGOD after the first quarter.

WADA is investigating how a competitor of his advanced age was able to pull off such a feat.  Rumors of rare candy abuse are coming to light.