So... Lebron’s supposed dehydration was not a factor in the Finals last year, then??
haha you said ‘but fuck it’.
Sin zapatoes
I was both terribly skeptical and amazingly terrified when it was demoed at I/O. The photo album of the guy’s niece had pictures from right after her birth, up through kindergarten graduation. HOW DOES THE GOOGLES KNOW BABIES’ FACES I DON’T EVEN KNOW BABIES’ FACES.
I barely get by with the limited cubby space in the FR-S, and it has a glove box! No idea how someone could daily the Miata with basically no space. Then again, idk how Jeep drivers do it either.
The FR-S/BRZ are great cars, but they feel clinical. They were designed not with the car itself in mind, but with a specific buyer in mind.
Suggestion: I like how, on Jalopnik, an author will normally write out what happens in the video. Really helpful for readers that aren’t able to view it or don’t have audio.
Spent this Memorial Day weekend mini-marathoning through this series. Thanks for the recommendation, Richard. I usually don’t like much animes outside of my classics, but this was an interesting show that I didn’t think I’d like.
The first time I had IHOP in America, I was ecstatic that my pancakes came with a small scoop of ice cream on top.
That’s fine, people can choose to end their life, but when they choose to do so by negatively affecting others’ lives that are unrelated to them, that becomes a bit more of an issue.
Scion FR-S master race!
I’m from Abilene, Texas (first time I’ve admitted that on the internet). Want me to go hug the car for you, or race it? Sorry, I didn’t really have a clever comment.
Yeah, I think Michael Cera was part of the reason I didn’t like it. I think as long as the comic book protagonist isn’t “whiny angsty teen kinda sorta apathetically fights for girl,” I’m good.
Appreciate the response! The snippets above of the books looked a bit more interesting, so that’s disappointing.