I have no argument.
I have no argument.
Video must include audio of you attempting Link grunts.
How do they get access to code?
Radio stations still use “keywords” for their websites. Ugh.
Why take the unnecessary risk? Just take your kid with you. Is your kid not worth those few extra seconds of time?
I read it as game developer and I was gonna enjoy a one word article:
It is not a fast straight line car. A lot of owners on the forum/Facebook groups sell the car quickly because they can’t accept that fact.
It’s sort of like a Scion FR-S, except when you get to the top of the power curve, you don’t sit there thinking: Is this all there is?
I think males are more likely to tell you to “man up” or some work/life balance bs, whereas a woman is more understanding since they push those things out of them and are usually more attached and understanding of the dynamics of a family.
Exactly. People should be judged on their shittiness based on the actual amount of shittiness they portray.
I could see a woman - especially one that had kids, be more sympathetic to picking up a sick kid.
I don’t pretend to have a refined taste palette, so the fluffy reheated-with-water white rice is (almost) equally delicious to me. Disagreement accepted.
Just got back from Puerto Rico and those things are EVERYWHERE. I rented one and it’s hilarious to watch the body sway if you move the steering wheel side to side.
realinfmom’s tip is correct. I eat white rice way too much, and the tip to reheating it in the microwave is to drizzle some water over the top. It’ll rehydrate the rice in the microwave and give that fluffy goodness (if that’s what you prefer).
The worst boss I ever had was female. When I joined as an intern, the project I was supposed to work on was pulled from me. My mentor had to struggle to find something to let me work on, but my manager did nothing to help. In the summer I was there, I spoke to her twice. Then, at my exit presentation, she showed up,…
Maybe he has 4 daughters?
Work/life balance is nothing more than a talking point for HR and recruiters.
I think it’s inherent to code development. As the release date approaches, the already ridiculous timeline that business has set gets further constrained by the numerous unforeseeable setbacks. But does that matter higher up the chain? Nah, only making the release date matters, because that’s what those guys get…