I thought that came standard? I used to live in south austin and went to that HEB (and the Slaughter/Manchaca one) and was relieved to see the same storefront (and possibly guy?!) at the I-35 and Wells Branch HEB.
I thought that came standard? I used to live in south austin and went to that HEB (and the Slaughter/Manchaca one) and was relieved to see the same storefront (and possibly guy?!) at the I-35 and Wells Branch HEB.
"Mexico" on E. I-35 sometimes. Maybe.
*travels 5 minutes up to Round Rock*
Drake sheds a tear for each minion lost in LoL.
I never said I was trying to "solve" it? I'm actually looking for supporting advice.
Yeah.. I moved in here at $820 for a 775 sq/ft, but I'm getting up to the $950 now and it keeps going up. Don't know how much longer I'll be able to afford/justify living in ATX. I don't even really find a lot of it interesting anymore - mostly here for the food places to be honest.
ah, yup. I used to live in South off of William Cannon. Now I live less than 5 mins from work. I'd say try moving west since commuting east/west isn't that bad, but going west that far west just puts you on 2222 and rich people territory :(
I think she gets frustrated that she doesn't have much to look forward to on her days off.
You're in Austin too? Come join me on Wells Branch, it ain't so bad.
Dr. NL,
Actually, I spent most of Type-0 identifying characters by the weapons they use in combat. King, right, that's the guy with the guns. Seven is the one with the badass chain whip. And Jack, yeah, he's that overpowered katana-wielder who runs like Roy Hibbert.
Edited: It's not about me.
It's interesting how many "up and coming" people play at the UT pick-up courts. Worth the membership for that alone.
When I moved to Austin, I lived in a one bedroom apartment and knew no one so I did what any lonely person does: hooped all day at the cheapest indoor basketball court. Unfortunately, that meant a 24 Hour Fitness that might as well have been an outdoor court for how "unruly" it could get.
Tip for that is to get your manager to do all the talking.
Every time I watch F&F on TV, I start looking up aftermarket car parts for my 4Runner and Corolla.
I'm more surprised that a girlfriend doesn't get upset when you take a rando-bitch (no offense to the bitch) for a ride in the whip. That sounds like a keeper.
But then how will he feel morally superior to all the low life racists and homophobes?