

oh that's good. If only I were a good Unreal sniper... (AWP only)

Crispy bacon is the best bacon. If you're making bacon on the stovetop, start with a cold skillet, preferably in a cast iron pan.

I mean, if you can support it, sure, no problem (I think recent study estimated raising a kid to the age of 18 in America is approx $200k). Seems they didn't really have a stable income...

Started skimming through the 2nd half of the last story, but I counted 7 kids. 7 kids?! Wow.

I've given up on waiting for Phantasy Star Online.

Gonna start using that when someone talks for too long.

Seconded. I don't commute much on public transportation being in Texas, so I'm usually sitting on my couch playing my 3DS. I guess I don't have the patience (or lack of time awareness) like I did as a kid playing my Gameboy, but after about an hour, I get fatigued or lose interest in playing a handheld.

I've got a coworker that started writing for a Toronto Raptors fan-site as their advanced analytics guy. He even has his own proprietary stat that is supposed to be a better indicator of efficiency, or some such nonsense (we're engineers, so them math number thingys appeal to us).

RIP in piece.

"I chose the name 'Balls' trolling with my friend when I was creating the name," he told Riot Games in an interview. "We wanted something similar, so we went with two variants of Balls because we could make it look similar using 'i's and 'l's. It looked like we had the same name. That way, when we go in-game people

What I'm saying is I would like to get to know her better.

and to Fiesta Texas.

And to the Riverwalk for a nighttime stroll/pub run.

Would invite her out for Dia De Los Muertos in San Antonio/10

IP Man (2008)

The Knicks are fun. Just when you think they can't get any worse, they do. With Carmelo. And Taylor Swift attends. I really see no valid comparison to the Nets. What do they have, Kevin "InternetToughGuyPersonified" Garnett?

No Nets game is amazing.

This is a goddamned lie.

We could both imagine what would happen if we did play: We'd spend an hour or so running through a difficult battle, a battle we'd played through a dozen times before. At the end, we'd be bitterly rewarded with booby prizes and useless junk. Rather than go through all that, we decided to stick a pin in it and go do