
I go with "HAND DOWN, MAN DOWN" for step 4, but similar effect.

Janay deeply regrets her involvement in Ray getting released.


I tried teaching him manual once, but he stalled at least 8 times in a 10 minutes session.

While the premise is itself absurd, what makes the whole thing hold together is how the rest of the game is a by-the-books of a Japanese dating sim. Yes, everyone is a bird, but you still do the average things that a player normally does in a run-of-the-mill dating sim. You meet the bookish librarian bird and try to

To this day, this and 21 Questions are songs I revisit at least every 6 months. Idk how The Massacre followed this album, besides maybe in album title theme.

Yeah, I usually have to vent online, because my girlfriend isn't quite as good of a listener.

Thanks, this was actually very helpful to hear from that perspective.

Oh yeah, I had those responses grouped in with the uh-huhs. But I suppose that's really all listening is - reaffirming to the speaker that you've heard them, but offering no plan-of-action.

All of this stuff is available across the Mazda range, so it's no surprise that it's come to our beloved Miata.

Tangentially related, but what do you say during a vent session? "Uh huh," "Right?" and "Whaat? That's dumb..." only work for so long. Offering solutions often isn't what they're looking to hear.

5/5. I lol'd because I do the same thing. But for some reason they want to stay more when I say it.

So you're saying I can lose weight by subsisting on Ramen noodles and gaming? Because I think I have some field research to contribute to that.

I think I'm the only one that likes this article? I thought it was pretty spot-on.

Yeah, but that guy is literally crazy. Insane in the membrane. And I think he just tours now?? (No new tracks that I've heard from him.)

That... would be interesting.

Wow, this new Sims is super realistic. They've got my relationship down exact.

There just seemed to be something wrong with my sim. I kept watching as he decided to drink milk while staring at a wall for hours. What was going through his mind? Was he lonely?

The guy was mostly fine, save for one thing: the game gave my character man-boobs. Let me tell you: I have never experienced anything as weird as sculpting the man-boobs out of a video game character. I almost felt bad about it, like—was it really so bad for a guy to have man-boobs? Why were man-boobs not acceptable

Looks like someone might maybe accidentally possibly be in that line? idk.