As much as I don't want to say it... an old Honda.
As much as I don't want to say it... an old Honda.
2 cars at the same time?
It worked for my roommate.
So, exciting news for lovers of truly accurate racing sims. There has been no word as of press time if Nintendo is planning to counter this announcement with certification of their own from the Official Mushroom Kingdom Kart Racing Asscociation for the tracks in Mario Kart 8.
Where do you think they learned it from!
When I say "soccer" to you, you have no reason for doubt. This is one reason why I like the word "soccer". Another reason is the sticky hard "K" sound. What a poetly word! It feels as though ancient history itself invented it. Here is a word that is every language and no language: SOCCER. Imagine it with two Ks:…
Depends on the size of the company.
You can't really expect people in this industry to understand - most of our heads are inflated from the technical knowledge that we believe translates into life knowledge. That, and the inflated ego of how we're the new rock stars makes it a fun task to try and converse with us when you're on the outside.
Hahaha, I get really paranoid doing that on my conference calls at my current position, but that's a whole other bucket of worms. That sounds like a great time though.
Yup, working on variants as well.
I am going to suggest this to them lol one of the guys is my old roommate. That is awesome!
What is great about this series? I'm really trying to understand.
[Aliens guy] "Houston"
the poonany
Qualifying your opinion with "as a marketer" did no service to your reputability. I've always wondered if people behind these campaigns actually believe in their bs or if they're just going through the motions like relations with a boring wife after 30 years.
literally laughed out loud because I'm in a conference room full of business people and I'm pretty sure 3 or 4 of them would do the same thing. They may have already said it, but I'm not paying attention to them
True, and while I'm not as familiar with the old MobileMe and iTools, wasn't it like iCloud in that mostly Apple controlled what went into their cloud? i.e. - only if iCloud/MobileMe was supported could you upload documents to it, whereas OneDrive lets you upload whatever you want, like DropBox.
At that point, the photographer's already said how he's been following the car for "45 minutes." He wasn't in it for the pictures at that point - people like this live for the attention - literally. They need the attention so their work gets more publicity.
Triforce. 3. Quartet 4.