
I just wanted to point out the disparity in the "Free Game game," but sure - it's worth noting PS3 users can enjoy Netflix and Hulu Plus without paying Sony fifty bucks a year for the privilege.

Only for Gold members >.< ah well.

(Sigh.) Why are all the pre-E3 leaks Ubisoft leaks?

Well, like I said it was a long time ago, but let's see what I can track down...

I wish I didn't hate HHG so much - and I don't know if he just disappeared or changed his ways - but I am so glad it's been like a year since I last saw a super-interesting game news headline, clicked on it, and discovered it was just some stupid bullshit he made up.

Ooooooooh! Supacool!

Fer cereals. Phil La Marr and Tara Strong need work too!

This place should be burned to the ground. Who's with me?!

If a weird and wizened mad scientist were to build a Little Old Ladybot, complete with bum hip and a shaky little cane, but she technically only became operational thirteen years ago, and he then fucks the Grannybot, is his still a pedo?

This is true. The female friend I get along easiest with is the one who'll walk up to another woman she's just been introduced to and greet them with the 'ol Transcona Clamshake. She's the filthiest person I know, and I love her.

Nintendo : getting you to first base since 1985.

I felt kinda' the same way about Okami. "All I'm doing is running around and making everyone's day better with sunshine and flower beds and rainbows... this is fucking awesome."

What I find (almost) more terrifying is how much I want this to be true.

Maybe Sutherland will be excellent in it, maybe everything will work out just fine when we actually get our hands on the game.

God, thank you for planting this seed of hope in my brain.

(1) Burn on Sony!

Seriously. I don't want any hacker out there, for an instant, thinking that this bullshit is a genuine or acceptable way to communicate with the industry they profess to love.

Nice! That's exactly what I want out of it.

I'm - oddly - not surprised or disappointed by these reviews. I didn't preorder Remember Me because its combat looked wicked or its platforming looked super-fun - all that seemed rote. I preordered it because its world looked fantastic and beautiful, it has what appears to be a very cool sci-fi story and a female

An 80 from Edge? I mean, I get the why of it, but it's still pretty weird.