
That's kinda what I loved about the story. One of my most hated tropes of JRPGs is how they baff you over the head with the story as if you're an infant - leading to story "twists" that you saw coming from ten hours before and the severely deflating shock of the idiotic lead characters.

I really wish I could love a Final Fantasy. I keep trying, just so I can be part of the conversation - but I can never muster anything more than a general affection for a title - and never anything more passionate. Put about ten hours into VII - I couldn't get what everyone was so excited about. Thirty-or-so hours

And that's how you appeal to the soccer moms and public at large.

Oh God we loved this game when we were kids >.<

:O that's awesome!

I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, or anything. I'm not a prideful man.

Shit. That's true.

And thus, Nemesis's brief career in prostitution came to a bloody end. He desperately tried to chase the fleeing john down to claim his reward for services rendered - but alas, discovered he could not run.

Cooool! I love Techland.

Don't sweat it, Mark. These are the same people who thought the Wii U was a peripheral.

Someone get me more info on Close Your Eyes, stat!

Wait! Wait, I've got it! Microsoft has always been about showmanship at these pressers, and this is no different - it's just some seriously strategic thinking. Two weeks before E3 they put on this terribad press conference that has everyone feeling negatively about the One. Then, in two weeks, they do it up with ma

It's a terrible argument, but I found myself thinking the same thing today. Consider two products, one called the Zone 4, the other called the Prism One - for some reason, sight unseen, I'd pick the 4 over the 1. Math schooling aside, it's like I have some sort of programming to automatically think 2, 3 or 4 is

Aw, I loved Gun. Great atmosphere and voice work.

I'm as bored by "cloud" as the next guy, but I will say this:

This is the one I was lookin' for when I first discovered this dude. If there's any Iconic Video Game Sword (that's not the Master Sword), it's the Buster sword.

Man, you really dislike Spock.

That Princess Bubblegum does nothing for me.

Yeah, it's a pretty terrible example picture. They should have used someone with a face to show it off.

That's the problem with this Odin Sphere .jpg. The animation of the trees sweeping by in the background with that sublime music... ahhh.