accidentally brushed my teeth with rash cream instead of prevident (flouride)
accidentally brushed my teeth with rash cream instead of prevident (flouride)
A real woman would not be caught dead in those clothes.
So far I’ve read that Tamika Mallory recieved support from Farrakhan during the death of a loved one and feels indebted.
the father who provided the killer with the gun, he needs to be questioned. men like his son do not need to “borrow” guns for innocent reasons.
yes, yes, please do get rid of your books! take them straight down to the used bookstore or drop them off in the charity bin....
I don’t care about Jeff’s dick....I care about the fact Amazon doesn’t pay any damn taxes or treats its employees decently.
If you can’t cut her off entirely, then greatly reduce contact. She sounds pretty toxic. People like that can only be tolerated in tiny doses spaced very far apart.
I get the feeling that the Republican party, as a whole, is too cheap to patronize a hair salon that charges more than $10 for a haircut.
Not long enough.
that’s the seat you stuff the least liked child when carpooling. sorry, darling, no airbag for you! next time when Uncle Gummy says no eating in the car, listen to him!
they got squashed into a blind-spot riddled “sports” hatchbacks.
if they would put out an old fashioned honda civic wagon, i would buy it.
So report him to twitter for targeted harassment
Their goal, Nortre Dame senior Jim Martinson explained to the Daily Beast, is to ban porn from campus WiFi....He told the Daily Beast in December that he’s since heard from at least 40 students who want to campaign for an anti-porn filter at their own campuses.
short answer: the marking & advertising department is full of men
Actually Japan needs immigrants but they’d prefer extinction to “polluting” their country with foreigners.
They can’t afford an apartment. A lot of these things are DIY projects or parked in a parent’s backyard.
They make special locks to keep them from rolling because Tiny Home hijacking is a thing now.
Yank the doctor’s medical license as well as suing them & charging them with sexual assault.
Judges, like Presidents, can be impeached.