If this is how he treats his GF , I cant even imagine the absolute horror he must be to other women...and you KNOW there are others.
If this is how he treats his GF , I cant even imagine the absolute horror he must be to other women...and you KNOW there are others.
The video is still accessible here..itsworse than I thought- what a bunch of classless loosers.
Interesting SHE got pregnant- but these men say THEY got the abortion.
Dear ignorant complainer.
The only person at fault here is the stupid Honda driver clearly had ZERO room for that stupid cut-off she pulled. She's very lucky she's still alive.
ohh so she isn't lisa and lenny's kid—asI was guessing ..
I dated a guy who has a BIL with a severe ketchup addication.and like this lady - it went on everything he ate.
Exactly— eight full years after my divorce and three years into an "IAINTDATING NOONENOMORE" phase...I started dating a guy who had been quietly and respectfully chasing me about. ...we think our success (so far)is based on our willingness to be tolerant of each others quirks. To be fair, we both were the adults in…
HA! I remember before I married thinking at the end of the first year plus one day—that's when the marriage cert should be signed or the whole shebang terminated
its more like a serial drunk driver is more valuable than a pregnant woman—as long as the Drunk is male.
and ontinues all the way up the chain of command to the Guvnor's door.
or maybe he is... King of the MRA
everyone..funny- I only see men being awful.... lets be specific about where the problem lies.
Mazzy Star —dark, brooding, sadness tinged
be kind in response to each other mistakes
Someone PLEASE give Christy Mack a baseball bat and five minutes alone with this supersized coward.
also cockbite is an extremely useful descriptor for a certain type of man
A well known fact-lol- that only you seem to know and believe.
oh- so you weren't worthy of her time and have a big chip on your "nice guy" shoulder.... got it.