her hashtag is perfect
her hashtag is perfect
I'm not sure if it makes a difference- but he sent a video in response to her sending a naked picture—from the linked WP article
especially since HER FUCKING daughter instigated the whole thing ( not blaming either really- is what kids are doing but fair is fair)
my own idjit son got caught up in something like this.
I predict an avalanche of people loosing their jobs over this gross violation.
interesting they have the hunger games in there since it is a YA book. and most people read the whole set over a weekend or less.
My logic is probably faulty somewehere along the line here—-but isn't this basically allowing Hobby Lobby and their ilk to persecute others based on their religion.. and isn't that in direct conflict to our constitutions ?
well...I find every one of these looks/pics to be pretty darn awesome
I hope there is Kim...
what the heidi ho??? nvermind I only want the front of her shoes.
the selfish effhole to just say "accidents happen"
NO! I'm the face of Dior!
sorry- didnt see your replacement qualifier.....I think that Danny was a bit older(10-12) instead of a 5 yo, the natural mouthiness of tweendowm just sat better, more naturally on Danny P.....
it sure as hell is....
ha- you call them sassy- thats a compliment. they are rude, mouthy little bastiges. and nothing they say is remotely funny—-except for danny partridge.
I cant stand the mouthy kid
you are an idiot..does that explain enough?
sorry- I would also like to say—-I rememeber when it wasnt like this- like HR really was there to help, aid and assist. But those days are loooong gone.
no- thats just truth...
you can try to do a whole lot of things. most will backfire on you- YOU become the problem, the troublemaker, the one that cant' take a joke, not a teamplayer, just a frreeking bitch that cant take a compliment.