So he worried about the things that would affect the entire team from being bounced from the league for rulebreaking-..that doesn't mean he didn't turn a blind eye towards "boys being boys"
So he worried about the things that would affect the entire team from being bounced from the league for rulebreaking-..that doesn't mean he didn't turn a blind eye towards "boys being boys"
how many times should the story be covered ? seriously?
I think that is more likely——a dress rehersal to set up/check the shots.
that was in reply to some of the more judgy comments from people who forget what being a teen is all about.
I think I would have to limit this Me bucket to the patheticos who post pic after pic after pic of themselves from a mirror. sheesuz- get a better hobby.
I think its a bit unfair to monitor teens that are in a struggle to deal with the immediate aftermath of a tragedy they were personally involved in...I see these self portraits as a testament to their survival— to let their friends know -with 100% certainty- that they were still with the living despite the efforts of…
I'm so glad you said this- I said the same- here is a guy that thinks he's scoring major points for basically being in the same room as his child. get off the damn computer and dance WITH her, talk TO her, this is awful in its entirety.
I am perfectly aware after raising three successful kids —-and the biggest thing is to be involved. he said it himself- every week its the same- mom leaves with one daughter- he gets on computer and plays music for other daughter as he ignores her and checks emails, and rolls eyes while filming her.—maybe he could…
Here's an idea dad.. Spend some time actually INTERACTING with your daughter-one on one- during this special alone time- instead of quasi-ignoring her while blasting her image all over the interwebs.
yes, Fred did admit he was a giant d-bag..but she still said yes to dating and then to marrying said D-bag....and now another....
Miz Moss seems to have deplorable skills in man pickin- did she learn nothing from assholio #1 she married....she appears to be stuck in the karmic circle.
Christie and his old white boy network might THINK they have escaped..but in the court of public opinion- 100% Guilty..and it will never be forgotten..even through these assclowns already view as a distant event of the past.
thinking along these same lines—the open spot should be opened up for another over-privileged elistist white frat boy? Because THEY the very picture of decency and dignity- except when they are killing their pledges and raping the co-eds
so we cant have a database to track guns and other weapons
I also started a search of remedies based on chronic sinus infections- saw oil pulling - seemed easy ( and quite inexpensive) to try- simply the cost of a decent bottle of cold pressed oil.
I think he brought it up in his rant- you know- when we get as old and (haha) wise as he—- we will finally understand the cheatings. Cause age makes perfect sense of despicable behavior him.
its the typical- I want allll the rights but NONE of the responsibility rhetoric so prevalent to this males.
and cant you see her creeper mom in the other room saying- slip me a grand and I will get you alone with her...
her "job" is her (choke) tv show. the rest is just a money grab.