
Then he's doing it wrong as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah, I don't doubt it. Drifting is clearly not what a Miata is made for. It takes a fair bit of effort to break it loose. Tight corner carving, that's where it's at.

Looks like Poland arright. Still, odd that the Roller has American style rear plate. Coulda had it shipped over, eh?

I think it was this guy:

I thought it was not a "toomah."

M-Sport took out 2,200 pounds from the road-going Bentley, and their twin-turbo V8 runs to the rear wheels alone. Check out the full specs on this car and how M-Sport builds this beast right here.

That's as may be but the H3 was a complete waste of paint. A friend had one and offered to give me a ride somewhere, but we had to stow my bike. It wouldn't event wedge into the trunk space with the wheel off, a feat I have accomplished with various econoboxes. The "U" is supposed to mean something in "SUV".

Duesenbergs were what America does not have anymore: world-class ultimate luxury cars.

Yes, or El Camryno. Collins missed on that one.

Hatch? What hatch?

Identity politics counts more than policy politics nowadays.

I just keep re-reading this and wondering how any sane, intelligent person could believe it. There are so many weird assumptions here, like the idea that families used to buy a new car every year and now they don't and that's why this is happening.

I usually enjoy reading Zero Hedge because the insights are often interesting and I think pessimism is an underrated virtue these days. However, this guest article on unsold cars is so demonstrably false I had to take a break from my Sunday morning to dispute it.

"ALWS" is standard journo practice: "Always Lead With Sex."

Ferrari owners will tell you that Ferrari is a special brand and therefor all its products are special too, including the overpriced baseball caps made in China.

(Note: that was a joke. This is the worst idea ever. Please don't do this. If you do happen to think that this is literally the best idea ever, however, and you don't get that that was a joke, please feel free to try it. The gene pool could use some regular pruning.)

I imagine it must be fairly common practice. I recall reading that the Subaru SVX test mule was an old XT-6 for example.

Yah, that was my first question about the VW L1, being all fulla carbon fiber. When I heard they would make a consumer production run, I wondered how they would make such a carbon fiber-intensive vehicle affordable. The answer, of course was that they didn't. It's really expensive to to be so cheap.

Green balls o' magic!