
I would think so with that big arched roof. I see short people in them now and then and it looks like there's a foot and a half of empty space between them and the roof.

Not really necessary...Yep, that's why we call all of it "luxury". It's just a way for car companies to inflate the value of their products by stroking egos with manufactured desire. Nobody needs any of this stupid crap, but they want it because it shows they have money to spend on stupid crap.

I don't think too highly of your (ab)use of punctuation, Lapo (waste of precious characters, I say). But let us peel back a layer of your twitweet and redo: What do you think of the French offering innovative competition to the Fiat 500!?!???!!!!??!!!? Renault looks original compared to our retro revival. #fiat500

I don't recall seeing young Homer's beat up '70 Plymouth Road Runner in the list. did I miss it?

I tend to agree that craft brewers have sometimes gone too far in embracing the hop enthusiasts' peculiar tastes. I like a good hoppy brew as much as the next guy, but enough's enough. For pretty much any beer, drinkability should trump all. An illustrative anecdote: Years ago I worked for a BJ's Brewhouse where they

Or for the Jalop Yanks who wish to keep things domestic, there's Pizza Port's Old Viscosity. It looks like heavily used engine oil but tastes much better!

I would definitely want a longer stick in there so I could go around pretending I was driving a semi.

He's also got one of the original 1966 Sonett demo models, sent to American dealers in advance of the weird little sports car's release. He had to restore that one to better-than-new condition, considering the original cars had the kind of build quality you'd expect from an "eighth grade shop class," he says.

Some are tougher than others.

I kick harder than a five-year-old.

Perhaps. The greater LA area is a huge car market and Camaro is a popular car. Who would have access to all sales records around the area and enough time to track down some asshat for reckless driving? If you can do it, please give him a boot to the nadgers for the rest of us.

It's just a new car dealer label placard, not even gotten the plates yet.

Undoubtedly it has a lot to do with brand perception, but to some folks (like me) it makes me less likely to buy a Cadillac. Going in for such things would make me feel like a big tosser.

Now I want to kick you in the knee.

Seriously, for that money is constellations to much to ask?

Brought to you by the 2014 CTS.

It's very fancy indeed, but what happens when you have to tow your Jaaaaaag?

I can respect the fact that he was moving around a lot and there was a lot of anxiety and all that, but watching that vid just made me want to slap the cameraman.

Amazing patina!