
Can you hum 3 distinct melodies from the entire trilogy?

Are people that ignorant now that they’ve never heard the common term “color commentator” before?

Real talk, both players thought it was a first to 5. Daigo was obviously sandbagging and giving Lupe wins, while planning to take it seriously in the last few games. However, not only did he forget that it was a first to 3, he also made a mistake by anti-airing Lupe with a HP Shoryuken, which no longer has

Even Topher Grace was perfectly cast in that movie.

I’ll watch it again today, but I’m not sure that’s true. Towards the end, I thought I saw Ezra (Alladin) wearing his typical fingerless gloves while riding. Overall it was a fun “Sci-Fi” episode, but it just didnt feel like a Star Wars episode to me

Come on man, this is like nitpicking Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.

For my Munn- ey, that gif has to be the best shot of the trailer.

Poe, no!

I agree. No one should have this much fun.

Am I the only one who was bored out of my mind, for the first time during this show, during last night’s episode? Maybe I was in the wrong mood. Maybe the pacing was off. I don’t know. I had a hard time finishing it, though.

There’s a part right after Ash gets turned to stone where it cuts to Misty and she says “oh no” or something like that. I remember watching the audio commentary for the first movie (don’t you judge me) and them discussing how they only had two lip flaps to synch in a line there. So for the longest time before

I’m glad you apologized at the start, cause you write terribly.

Surely this is a better way to track ticket sales. Inflation moves a lot faster than population growth.

They’d just cut holes in the floor and crawl out.

Tut Tut Tut, all these bad puns.

This is an Independence Day sequel. Of course it’s US-centered.

Rex would deny that moment later on in life...

Change the relationship between Ash and Pikachu if it was female?
What, was he going to fuck it?