
There’s an in universe history site that explains it was destroyed, but conveniently rebuilt exactly as it was before.

You mean Han Solo wasn’t killed by a Sith assassin on Endor before the Death Star was destroyed? Amazing.

The problem with this in Independence day specifically is that the invaders are planning on exterminating the human race and strip the planet bare, not force open trade routes. Not a whole lot of room for cultural exchange when genocide is top of the priority list.

I thought they already showed Interdictor Cruisers in the Hera/Kannan novel “A New Dawn”? Or am I mixing that up with another of the canon novels?

100% agree that 2.0 is garbage. 3.0 is a vast improvement across the board. If you generally don’t like the overall mechanics of the game 3.0 won’t really change that, but I’d recommend giving it a second look maybe if you can get it on a marked down price.
The driving in particular is a whole different beast thanks to

His name is Roti! :) He’s Ajna’s baby tapir that trains in martial arts with her.

As a bunch of people said, it’s a proof of concept more than a fully working game, but there’s a few things to address here anyway:

- Doing combos massively increases the amount of Iddhi you gain compared to just doing single attacks.

I am utterly confused with how to send comments via Kinja, so apologies if you hear from me multiple times from different places! This comment is not related to the art above, but I kinda wanted to get your attention particularly, Luke.

You wrote an article about Lab Zero’s announcement of Indivisible a few months

I am utterly confused with how to send comments via Kinja, so apologies if you hear from me multiple times from different places!

This game recently launched this IndieGoGo campaign, so it’d be nice if you could do a follow-up article since it’s actually here!
The campaign page has a fully playable Windows and Linux

They’re not exactly overly complicated. Easy enough to build from just looking t the box.

There’s a hint in the article title.

I can’t believe the answer was ‘magnets’.
“It uses magnets” is the sci-fi equivelent of “Jesus did it” at this point.

Wait, never mind, the internet turned out to be super awesome:

Okay, I just flat out don’t understand how that ball works. If it was all digitial I could just dismiss it as impossible sci-fi, but now I see there’s a fully working, practical version?
How does the head remain on top of a fully rotating, sealed sphere like that?

God damn S. Immonen is just friggin amazing.

The tunnel from Spirited Away is a short cycle from my house.

I get a hankering to read Jurassic Park every few years. It’s such an interesting companion to the movie in how they presented the same story so differently, with both being great. And I’m a sucker for dinosaurs in general.

Really happy with how this episode rolled out! Vader being an unstoppable force of nature was really refreshing to see, and genuinely hard for me to process. He’s been softened so much through the extensive experience we all have with Anakin now, and even just from the ending of Return of the Jedi it’s hard to

Because an older person is often wiser and nose more than younger folks.

While reading this I had to go check to see if Cracked was part of the Gawker network and this was just some harmless cross posting. This is absolutely shameless plagiarism and needs to be addressed by io9.