My guess is that Josh will have a fatal “accident” at this slave labor camp.
My guess is that Josh will have a fatal “accident” at this slave labor camp.
Are you also including the cops? Because most of them are worst than most NRA members!
I’ve never seen myself as a self-important person, but... I was treated like shit by both a Walgreen’s pharmacist & Walgreen’s HQ management & I’ve never shopped there again. It’s five years now!
Twitter [noun]: Technology’s way of telling celebrities they are all idiots for using it.
You think that’s bad! Even worse are the giant strollers people bring onto transit buses every day. Crush every one of those monsters!
Same in Illinois!
The video is still online with a weird title at:…
That reminds me of all the photos of Japanese soldiers in the jungles during WWII pushing their nuts around in wheelbarrows. Or just look at this page
Tribune Content Agency puts out a syndicated column called “Celebrity Traveler”. It’s a weekly thing for the Sunday travel sections of newspapers. I’ve been glancing at who the “Celebrity” is for at least three years, which is at least 150 columns. I doubt if I’ve heard of even ten of the so-called “Celebrities”!
Sounds like the Giants are pissed that the commissioner’s office warned them to never spray paint General Sheridan’s horse’s balls again or there will be major suspensions. For those that don’t know, there’s a statue of General Philip Sheridan about a mile from Wrigley at Belmont & Sheridan & the horse has very…
Hawk is total garbage. Listening to his ridiculous 19th Century cornpone crap is mind numbing & wants to make you kill yourself!
It was obviously intentional. I couldn’t tell if he was in the studio when they all were dancing to Springsteen.
A disgusting bigot vs. Fox. It’s impossible to choose a side in this one!
You left out Moxie Crimefighter Jillette.
That’s just as bad as Chutney.
There is a couple that are looney Chicago Cubs fans & they named their kid “Clark Addison”!
They’re also useless in Chicago, due to the humidity, which is often, just like Texas, with dew points above 75! For much of the summer in the city, the morning low is 75 & if it gets into the high 90s, the morning low is 90!
Amazing that you wrote this article & never once mentioned the most infamous false rape accusation of the last 40 years. That of a woman named Cathleen Crowell, later Webb, who falsely accused a mope named Gary Dotson of raping her, because she was afraid her boyfried had gotten her pregnant. He spent six years in…
There’s that little problem where people with phenylketonuria shouldn’t use it, which you failed to mention. Not many of them, but you still should have written about it.
There is only one problem with the Bears & her name is Virginia McCaskey. The only cure for her is death! Then maybe those wretched children of hers will start fighting amongst themselves & the team will be sold to some idiot billionaire who will actually care about winning, instead of cashing checks from the NFL!